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Erica R. Goldstein, Jeffrey R. Stout,, David Boffey, Alison M. Redd, Jeanette M. Garcia, David H. Fukuda 1
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL

Lack of sports nutrition

Adolescent athletes must develop a personal understanding of
both general and sports nutrition to optimize performance. The
most significant influence on eating behaviors and beliefs are
often family members. Parents may be misinformed regarding

knowledge exists among

nutritional needs for their youth athlete, and are often uneducated
about sports nutrition and may even contribute to poor eating
habits that are detrimental to performance and overall health. The
potential misunderstanding of macronutrient and energy and Figure 2. Nutrition Knowledge of Carbohydrate Intake and Exercise
hydration needs in adolescents, especially female athletes, can
have detrimental effects during this time of growth and
development. parents and adolescent Table 2. Questions Analyzed from the Nutrition for Sport Knowledge Questionnaire
Purpose: To compare knowledge regarding fundamental aspects

female athletes
% response correct % response correct
of sports nutrition (hydration guidelines, macronutrient Question
(parent) (female athlete)

requirements) between parents and adolescent female athletes. How much carbohydrate do you think
is recommended for an athlete
undertaking a moderate to high- 11% 32% .20
intensity endurance training program
for one to three hours per day?

Table 1. Demographic Information Protein is the main source of energy

41% 14% .03*

"Protein is the main source of energy used by muscles

used by muscles during exercise.

 n = 37 Age (years) Activity Level (hours per week)

When exercise intensity increases, the

Parent or Primary Caregiver 47.2 ± 5.7 3.3 ± 3.9

during exercise" relative amount (%) of fat that is burnt
to supply the body with fuel increases.
19% 14% .74

Regarding fluid intake during physical

activity, current recommendations 27% 49% .03*
Adolescent Female Athlete 15.1 ± 1.1 11.8 ± 4.5 encourage athletes to:

How much carbohydrate should fluid

All female athletes participated in at lease one organized sports consumed for hydration purposes
(during exercise) contain?
11% 11% .83

program (years playing sport 7.1 ± 3.1) : soccer, cheerleading,

Judo, swimming, softball. How much sodium (salt) should fluid
consumed for hydration purposes 11% 11% .79
(during exercise) contain?

Parents and athletes completed the previously validated Nutrition *Difference in correct response between parent & athlete
for Sport Knowledge Questionnaire (NSKQ)

• A subset set of six questions were examined for this analysis.

• The items consisted of statements focused on key aspects of
sports nutrition, with multiple-choice or three response options A lack of sports nutrition knowledge related to hydration
of “agree”, “disagree”, or “not sure”. guidelines and the macronutrients required for sport exists
• Chi-square analysis was used to determine any between-group
among parents and adolescent female athletes surveyed in this
differences in the frequency of responses. study.
Figure 1. Nutrition Knowledge of Protein Intake and Exercise
PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: The information from this project
• Story, M, Neumark-sztainer, D, and French, S. Individual and Environmental Influences on Adolescent Eating Behaviors. J Am Diet Assoc 102: highlights a need for well-designed sports nutrition education

S40–S51, 2002.
Thomas, M, Nelson, TF, Harwood, E, and Neumark-Sztainer, D. Exploring parent perceptions of the food environment in youth sport. J Nutr programs for both youth athletes and their parents.
Educ Behav 44: 365–371, 2012.
• Travis, S, Bisogni, C, and Ranzenhofer, L. A conceptual model of how US families with athletic adolescent daughters manage food and eating.
Appetite 54: 108–117, 2010.

Escalante, G. Nutritional considerations for female athletes. Strength Cond J 38: 57–63, 2016.
Fukuda, D, Kendall, K, Hetrick, R, and Stout, J. Nutritional strategies to optimize youth development. In: Strength and conditioning for young
Acknowledgements: NSCA Foundation GNC Nutritional Research Grant
athletes: Science and application.New York: Routledge, 2014.

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