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Defence Against Disease

IGCSE Biology
Write 5 words that come to mind when you
see these pictures
There are two types of microorganism:

• Bacteria

• Viruses
Can you sort out the sentences below into a table
showing the differences between bacteria and viruses?

• Living organism (single-celled)

• 100x smaller than a human body cell
• 10000x smaller than a human body cell
• Require warmth, moisture and nutrients to
• Replicate within a host cell
• Not a living organism
Group activity: Match the disease to its
pathogen (disease.-causing organism)!
Food poisoning


Trichophyton HIV

Athlete´s Foot

How does your body fight disease?
• 2 types of white blood cells;

How do phagocytes work?

How do lymphocytes work?
• Recognise antigens (molecule that helps your
immune system identify which are your cells and which
are pathogenic cells)

• Produce antibodies that

-cause the microbes to burst
-clump microbes together so it is easier for
phagocytes to find them and digest them
White blood cells
• It is possible to help your body fight disease by
using vaccinations

• Vaccinations can provide 2 different types of

-passive immunity
-active immunity
Passive Immunisation
Active Immunisation

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