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01 02 03 04

Introduction Methods Result And Conclusion

01 Introduction

Critical Thinking Ability

21th Century Learning Critical Thinking Ability Indicators

• 21st century learning connects In addition to facing the challenges of • Being able to formulate the main
science with the real world that the 21st century, critical thinking points of the problem
can be understood with critical ability are one of the important • Able to reveal the facts needed in
thinking ability. ability in the industrial era 4.0 which solving a problem
requires humans to act and make • Able to choose logical, relevant
• Critical thinking ability help decisions appropriately and quickly so and accurate argumets
students understand the that everyone needs to improve their • Able to detect bias based on
information conveyed in learning critical thinking ability (Aurum & different vewpoints.
(Damayanti & Kuswanto, 2021). Surjono, 2021). • Able to determine the
consequences of a statement
taken as a decision (Ennis, 1996).
01 Introduction

Examination Physics Material Result

Physics is a topic that demands greater understanding due to the use of many pictures, symbols and equations, so
Physics is considered difficult by most students (Setyaninggrum & Wiyatmo, 2016)

Progressive Wave 2019 Stationary Wave

Eximination result in the Examination Examination result in the
progressive wave reaching stationary wave reaching
01 Introduction

Physics is one of the sciences

that is always evolving, with the
rapid development of science
and technology. However, in fact
the learning process of Physics in
schools still has a number of
shortcomings. Worksheet E-Worksheet Problem Base Learning

One example is the infrastructure (PBL) Model

Worksheets must be
One of the benefits of using this
of learning resources in the form Student Worksheet using web in
combined using relevant
worksheet is that it can increase and beneficial learning
of monotonous learning devices the teaching and learning models, one of which is
by relying on textbooks and the effectiveness of the teaching
process can help educatiors and problem-based learning
worksheets. and learning process in the (PBL) Model.
students improve the quality and
classroom by asking students to The model includes the use
Students prefer to bring outcomes of the learning
of real-life issues as a
complete group or individual
computers or other electronic learning guide to hone and
In this day and age, it is very process.
Nearpod is highly recommended
devices instead of textbooks work activities (Rani, Yuliani & train students' ideas in
important to convert
because they are unable to carry worksheets into electronic to teachers because this order to develop cognitive
Syar, 2022)
thick and heavy textbooks to worksheets, which enable capacity which aims to help
application is easy to use and
school. independent learning and
students develop self-help
effective communication with students are more stimulated to
teachers (Ayuni & Tressyalina, ability.
2020). participate in learning activities.
02 Methods

• This study a quasi-experimental design method, which

Quasi-experimental uses existing groups rather than eandom assignments.
design method • E-Worksheet is the independent variable in this study, the
dependent variable is the studen critical thinking ability.

• This design uses two groups, namely the experimental group and
Petest-posttest the control group.
Methods control group design
• The subjects used in this study were students of class XI MIPA
which were divided into two groups, Class XI MIPA 1 as the
experimental group and Class XI MIPA 2 as the control group.

• The obtained results were analyzed using independent-test

Homogeneity and
homogeneity and normality tests.
normality tests • Before analyzing the data using the independent t-test, the
homogeneity and normality test ere performed as
independent t-test.
• This is due to fact that the independent t-test includes
parametric statistical tests.
02 Methods

NP = Percentage Score
To find out more about the effect of
R = indicator Score
critical thinking ability in the
experimental class and control SM = Maximal Score
class, the data were analyzed using
the following equation.

1 2 3 4

The results of the Critical Thinking

Ability that have been obtained are
TABLE 1. Categorization of critical
then categorized based on Table 1.
thinking ability
03 Result and Discussion
03 Results and Discussion

This research uses E-Worksheet which is linked to the web, namely Nearpod. On Nearpod
there is a filter that is connected to the PhET Simulator that is adapted to the Worksheet.
The E- Worksheet and wen Nearpod displays used in this study are shown in Figure 1,
Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4

Figure 3. Stationary
Figure 1. Initial Figure 2. PhET and progressive Figure 4. Student
view of Nearpod on simulation feature wave material observation data
teacher account display on Nearpod Experiment Display sheet on E-
on E-Worksheet Worksheet
03 Results and Discussion

Homogeneity and normality tests were carried out first as a prerequisite The following homogeneity test was performed, as shown in the table 3.
test before the data were analyzed using independent t-test. This is
because the independent t-test includes parametric statistical tests. The
analysis result data is displayed as in table 2.

Based on Table 2, that is possible to conclude that the data This indicates that the significance of the column Levene's Test
are normally distributed. This may be observed from the is 0.837, which is more than 0.05. The results of data analysis
score importance to class experiment and class control that using independent t-tests show that there is a significant
has a score greater than 0.05. That is between 0.955 and difference between ability think critical of class control and
0.958. class experiment, with score significance in the column sig.(2-
tailed) less than 0.05.
03 Results and Discussion

Based on the posttest findings, it was determined that the scatter Critical thinking ability
participant teach in class experiment performed better than the class control. This was shown
in the Figure 5.

Based on Figure 5, there are more students in the very good category from the experimental class with 5 people compared to the control class
with 3 people. In the good category also more than the experimental class with a number of 9 people compared to the control class with a
number of 5 people. In the medium category the number of students was more than the control class which found 7 people compared to the
experimental class which opened 1 person. This proves that E-Worksheets with the web can improve students' thinking skills.
04 Conclusion

The results of the study can be concluded that the effectiveness of

E-Worksheet based on problem-based learning (PBL) to improve
critical thinking ability student participant in class experiment
performed better than the class control.

There is a significant effect on the effectiveness E-

Worksheet of problem-based learning (PBL) to
improve critical thinking ability student.

It can be seen from the results of the homogeneity

and normality test using the independent t-test
which shows that there are differences in the results
of the experimental class and the control class.


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