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Task for Lesson 6 in separate document.

This week we are carrying on our revising of our science units.

The 5 units we are revising are:

- Materials
- Earth and Space
- Forces
- Animals including Humans
- Living Things and their Habitats

Each lesson will have some reading and then a short task to revise that unit. At the end will be a
science assessment for all of the Year 5 learning to see how much you can remember.

At the end of each revision lesson will be some suggested websites or activities for you to do at
home or in your garden/local park if you want to do them. Remember to send any pictures of
these tasks if you do them! Do also keep doing as many 50 things activities as you can! Usually
during this term at school we would be spending a lot of time going to parks and other outdoor
areas to complete our 50 things so you do need to be doing as many as you can at home!
Monday 22nd Anything written in green is the tasks to answer in your book
Lesson 4 – Animals including Humans (or on this sheet if you want to.)

In your book, make a
Timeline to show the
Different stages of human
Development, include
Some information about
Each stage.

Different animals produce babies differently. Mammals carry their babies in their bodies and
they are born alive. Most birds and reptiles produce eggs and the babies grow inside of these.

Mammals have a gestation period. This is the amount of time the animal is pregnant for. For
example the gestation period of humans is 9 months.

Using this information and your own

research complete an information
booklet or leaflet about gestation
periods of different animals.
It could look like this or any other
Way you want to present it.

Websites for extra materials knowledge, games and tasks!

These websites are all specific links to this unit, so type them in carefully or open this
document from the Ark Academy website to click on the links.

Wednesday 24th
Lesson 5 – Living Things and their Habitats
This is the unit you completed from home last term. The next few slides have questions related to this
unit for you to complete.
If you cannot remember or you are unsure of an answer. Look back at the previous learning or use the
internet and the links
Below to help you.

These websites are all specific links to this unit, so type them in carefully or open this
document from the Ark Academy website to click on the links.
Task for Lesson 6 in separate document.
Friday 26th

Lesson 6 - Assessment
This lesson you have an assessment with questions from all the unit we have done this
Do as much of it as you can but you don’t need to do it all at once.

The mark scheme will be on the website for you to check your answers when you have
finished it.


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