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ICU room

Isabella putri lestari

Definition of ICU room

Intensive Care Room (ICU = Intensive Care Unit) is part of a hospital building with
a critical service category, in addition to surgical installations and emergency
installations, so it is necessary to manage the Intensive Care Room building
properly, integrated and meet the technical requirements of the building. This
technical guide is intended as an effort to establish a reference regarding planning
for the construction and development of physical facilities in the Intensive Care
Room that can accommodate service needs by taking into account aspects of
safety, security, comfort and convenience for both patients and other hospital
⃗ According to Wahyu Ardiyanto the advantages of Biophilic Design for
health care, the postoperative recovery rate increased by 8.5%
reducing pain treatment by 22%. So to support the interior design of
the Rama Hadi General Hospital with the theme Peace of Nature, this
design is combined with the Biophilic concept which presents green
space to improve the quality of life that affects the health and well-
being of human physiology and psychology.
With this theme, the concepts included
will be related to aspects that make the
room have an effective and efficient
nature that is able to provide a
comfortable healing environment for
patients and occupants of the room. This
design concept is very influential on the
healing environment where there must
be changes in areas that are very
important to change
⃗ Shape Concept
⃗ The shape that will be used in the
design of this hospital in
accordance with the Biophilic
concept is a square or rectangular
shape that is able to provide
conformity, peace, security and
well-being and gives the
impression of comfort for patients,
employees and hospital families in
accordance with the objectives of
Rama Hadi Hospital.
Color Concept

The color in the interior design of this hospital is also very influential on
the atmosphere taken from this healing environment. The color concept
in this design uses natural colors, natural colors adjust the biophilic
concept associated with the Rama Hadi General Hospital logo will use
natural and natural colors that can accelerate the healing process and
create an environment that provides comfort for patients, employees,
and family in the hospital. The following is a color table based on the
concept theme and logo of the Rama Hadi General Hospital including:
Natural lighting in the design of this hospital will be maximized through the application of large
openings so that parts that do not get direct access will be exposed to sunlight. In the inpatient
room area, a large opening will be applied on one side of the room and on the door using a
glass door to get optimal sunlight in the morning and afternoon.
Artificial Lighting
The concept of artificial lighting in this design applies standard types of lighting, namely
downlights that are found on every floor and room, this hidden light is applied to some
furniture such as the reception desk and emphasizes the visual area of ​the room, this hanging
lamp as special lighting such as the cafe area
Application of artificial lighting in the ICU using general lamps with the type of
lamp TL PHILIPS TL-D 36 W in each ICU room with glass partitions and supported
by 72 Watt White Sprinkler LED Strip lights on the pendant to help the medical
team check patients well and make lights for patients to sleep.
Air Concept
⃗ The concept of ventilation consists of natural and artificial ventilation systems, the concept of
ventilation is very influential in shaping the comfort of the room until environmental aspects
also affect a. Natural ventilation in this design relies on openings in windows in each room or
inpatient room and relies on a system of Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning ( HVAC) with
4 supply air diffusers in the form of a box in the ICU room area so that positive air pressure can
be stable.

By using this system, the air will be more organized and can circulate a certain amount
of air from a room with the help of a fan unit or blower. Here is the special air
conditioning ICU room
⃗ Artificial Air Conditioning
⃗ A lot of artificial ventilation is needed in this design, namely air
conditioner (AC), due to at least getting access to natural air directly.
The selected type of air conditioner is AC Cassette which can spread
the air evenly.
Medical devices used
in the ICU
1. Monitor
⃗ Used to mbody organs, such as heart rate, blood oxygen levels, or blood
⃗ Spesifikasi :
⃗ parameters spo2, ECG, heart rate, temperature,
⃗ 12.1″ screen with resolution: 800×600
⃗ Dual operating system: Touch screen and operation buttons to ensure operation
⃗ Built in lithium battery for continuous monitoring for 4 hours
⃗ IPX1 . waterproof rating
⃗ 2. Ventilator
⃗ A ventilator can help the patient to breathe. This device is connected to a tube
that can be inserted through the nose, mouth, or throat.
⃗ Spesifikasi :A more optimal ventilation process Vent-I provides 3 (three)
choices of mixed pressure (air with O2), namely 5 cmH2O, 10 cmH2O and 15 2.
cmH2O. With this constant pressure, it is expected to keep the pulmonary
alveoli open so as to allow a more optimal ventilation process.
⃗ 3. Defibrilator
⃗ A defibrillator or cardiac shock device is used to restore a
normal heart rate if the heartbeat suddenly stops. This
device works by sending an electric shock to the heart so
that the heart can function again.
⃗ onitor the performance of

⃗ Spesifikasi :
⃗ Operation Mode :Manual / AED / Synchronous
⃗ Monitor Type: Color TFT LCD
⃗ Main Supply Voltage: AC 220V 50-60 Hz
⃗ 4. feeding tube
⃗ The feeding tube is used to enter the nutrients the
body needs while the patient is in critical condition
and cannot feed himself. This device is usually
inserted through the nose and directed toward the
⃗ 5. syringe pump
⃗ The syringe pump functions the same as an IV
to inject medicinal fluids into the body on a
regular basis. The difference is, the syringe
pump can be adjusted according to the doctor's
recommendation. Volume and time can also be
determined. Spesifikasi :
⃗ Flow rate regulation rate : 0.1 – 300 ml/hour
(10,20,30 ml); 0.1 – 1200 ml/hour (50 ml)
⃗ Cleaning : 300 ml/hour ~ 1200 ml/hour
⃗ Alarm: Occlusion, almost exhausted, low bat, Plunger
detached, Syringe loose, power cable disconnected
⃗ 6. Catether
⃗ Most patients in the ICU cannot
urinate on their own. In some
patients, the amount of fluid lost
from the body, including the
amount of urine, should also be
counted as part of monitoring the
patient's condition
1.Stable power supply
Monitor 2. Stable cooling of the room
so that the tool is not easily
3. The room is spacious
Ventilator enough so that the tools are
neatly arranged and easy to
4. Make sure the room is kept
clean and use paint that does
Defibrilator not easily peel off so as not to
contaminate the installation
1. Mengapa rumah sakit tersebut lebih dominan memilih konsep biophilic?
2. Mengapa suhu di ruangan icu di butuhkan suhu yabg dingin?
3. Apakah penggunakan lampu yang tertera harus 36/54 watt?
4. Apa saja alat yang sangat dibutuhkan pada ruang icu ?
5. apa yang membedakan ruang icu dengan ruang rawat inap lainnya? (hammy)
6. Bagaimana perawatan pada ruang ICU?
7. Apa yang membedakan ruang icu dengan ruang lain?
8. Bagaimana sistem kelistrikan pada ruang icu?
9. Apa perbedaan ICU dan NICU?
10. Bagaimana cara kalibrasi alat medis di ruang ICU? Apakah harus di tempat
lain atau bisa di ICU?
11. Bagaimana pemeliharaan temperature pada ruang ICU?
12. Berapa standar kapasitas maksimal untuk penjenguk ruang ICU?
13. penempatan ruang icu harus bagaimana?
14.Apakah di ruang icu membutuhkan perawatan alat secara khusus?
15. Kenapa ruang ICU tidak boleh dijenguk?
16. Kriteria seperti apa pasien yang masuk ke dalam ruang ICU?
17. Apa bedanya ruang ICU dan ICCU?
1. Karena menggunakan warna-warna natural dan alami yang mampu mempercepat proses
penyembuhan dan menciptakan lingkungan yang memberikan kenyamanan bagi pasien,
karyawan, dan keluarga di rumah sakit tersebut
2. agar alat" yang berada di ruang icu tersebut tetap fungsional
3. tidak harus namun menurut jurnal yang saya baca meyarankan untuk menggunakan
lampu general dengan jenis lampu TL PHILIPS TL-D 36W/54 jika dalam keadaan
mendadak kalau bisa watt tidak jauh" dari besar wat yang disarankan agar tidak
mempengaruhi efiensiensi pada ruangan
4. Monitor,Ventilator,Defibrilator,Selang makanan,Infus dan Kateter.
5. Yang membedakan ICU dan lainnya adalah ICU merupakan ruang perawatan bagi pasien
yang sudah telanjur dalam kondisi kritis.
6. Untuk perawatan sendiri hampir sama dengan ruangan lainnya menjaga
kebersihan,kesterilan,kelistrikan yang stabil dan suhu rungan yang mencukupi ketentuan
ruangan ICU.
7. Yang membedakan ICU dan lainnya adalah ICU merupakan ruang perawatan bagi pasien
yang sudah telanjur dalam kondisi kritis.
8. Sumber daya listrik. Sumber daya listrik pada bangunan ICU, termasuk katagori “sistem
kelistrikan esensial 3”, di mana sumber daya listrik normal (PLN) dilengkapi dengan
sumber daya listrik siaga dan darurat untuk menggantikannya, bila terjadi gangguan pada
sumber daya listrik normal.
9. Perbedaan dengan ruang Intensive Care Unit (ICU) adalah jika ruang Intensive Care Unit
(ICU) adalah pelayanan intensif untuk pasien berpenyakit umum, maka Intensive
Coronary Care Unit (ICCU) dikhususkan pada pasien dengan penyakit jantung serta
pembuluh darah.
10. Untuk kelibrasi sendiri sama saja dengan alat” lainnya,dan semua tergantung alat apa
yang akan di kalibrasi.
11. AC sering di bersihkan dan di cek kondisinya agar suhu rungan tetap sesuai kebutuham
rungan ICU.
12. Tergantung kapasitas ruangan ICU di rumah sakit tersebut.
13. Harus sesuai prosedur yang ada di rumah sakit tersebut.
14. Tidak, tergantung alat yang akan digunakan.
15. Karena pasien yang dirawat di ICU kondisinya rentan, maka tidak sembarang orang bisa
menjenguk. Biasanya, kunjungan dibatasi hanya untuk keluarga kandung.
16. Pasien yang dapat masuk ke dalam ICU adalah pasien yang mengalami sakit berat,
dan dalam keadaan tidak stabil, yang memerlukan terapi intensif seperti bantuan
ventilator, pemberian obat vasoaktif melalui infuse secara terus menerus.
17. Perbedaan dengan ruang Intensive Care Unit (ICU) adalah jika ruang Intensive Care Unit
(ICU) adalah pelayanan intensif untuk pasien berpenyakit umum, maka Intensive
Coronary Care Unit (ICCU) dikhususkan pada pasien dengan penyakit jantung serta
pembuluh darah.

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