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Automated and Intelligent Transportation System

(Batch 2019-23)

Presented By
Aditya Verma (19SOCE1010019)
(Department of Civil Engineering)

 Automated Highway System (AHS) is an intelligent transportation system,
which removes human drivers from the operation on vehicles during driving

 Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) represent a group of technologies that

can improve transportation system management and public transit, as well as
individual decisions surrounding many aspects of travel.

Department Of Civil Engineering


 Incident detection and weather sensors to further reduce vehicle crashes and
 The procedures consequently improve safety, reduce fuel consumption, and
lessen vehicle wear and tear.

Department Of Civil Engineering


 The term intelligent transportation system (ITS) refers to attempts made to align
technology-based data, information, and interactions toward transport infrastructure

 Allowing vehicles to communicate with infrastructure systems to improve road access and
operation. Such strategies could also manage lane and speed control signs and signals.

 ITS technologies include state-of-the art wireless, electronic, and automated technologies
with a goal to improve surface transportaton safety, efficiency, and convenience.

 Facilitating optimal route planning and timing using the ITS technologies.

Department Of Civil Engineering

Traffic Density and its Analysis
Greater Noida Pari Chowk Region

S.N. Location Name Traffic Volume Count

Count Duration (6AM to 10 PM) Peak Hour
Vehicles PCUs Vehicles PCUs
1 NH 24 Bypass 59932 71113 5698 6182
2 NEPZ (Dadri Road) 36728 42765 3444 3727
3 Pari Chowk 12085 13438 977 1147
PCU Conversion Factor Applied: Car = 1, two wheeler = 0.8, Auto = 2 & Bus = 2.2

Peak Hour Peak Hour Peak Hour

Count Duration (6AM to Count Duration (6AM to Count Duration (6AM to

10PM) 10PM) 10PM)

0 20000 40000 60000 80000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000

PCUs Vehicles PCUs Vehicles PCUs Vehicles

NH 24 Bypass NEPZ (Dadri Road) Pari Chowk

Department Of Civil Engineering

S.N. Location   Traffic Volume Count   Using these magnitudes about the
Name Count Duration (8AM Morning Peak Hour Evening Peak Hour traffic flow of Pari Chowk Region of
to 8 PM)
Greater Noida we can conclude that
Vehicles PCUs Vehicles PCUs Vehicles PCUs
the traffic flow is more during the
peak ours of evening and morning as
1 Knowledge 1574 1442 184 179 196 165
Park Cut-1 these are considered office hours
2 Knowledge 2455 2326 339 302 305 297 which increases the density of private
Park Cut-2
and LMV ( Light Motor Vehicles)
3 Knowledge 2217 2224 313 366 240 226 whereas the night hours increase the
Park Cut-3
4 Knowledge 14638 16778 1230 1371 1397 1830 the density of commercial and
Park industrial vehicles ( Heavy Motor
Vehicles) on the roads as these
5. Amit Nagar, 6424 5721 647 587 647 579 vehicles are not allowed to enter the
6. B/w Pari 36590 33117 3598 3241 3732 3482
urban areas during the day running
Chowk & hours without permissions.
Alpha Circle
This is a good example of smart and
7. Alpha-I 1731 1601 191 171 142 134 integrated transportation system.

Department Of Civil Engineering



Traffic Signal Control - to manage traffic speeds, vehicle merging and corridor crossings, To maximize fuel efficiency,
traffic signal controls can be fixed to reduce vehicle accelerations, decelerations

Incident Management -include improved surveillance, verification, and dispatch to manage an incident,

Smart Parking Management-improve payment methods and enforcement, as well as providing information for finding
and reserving a space in advance.

Electronic Toll Collection - Reductions in fuel consumption due to reduced delays at toll facilities

Commercial Vehicle Operations - to enable the weighing and cataloging of trucks without causing vehicles to stop and
queue in line

Human Factors - energy benefits accrue from reduced congestion and stop-and-go driving—resulting in smoother traffic

Public Transit Management - automatic vehicle location, real-time bus arrival signage, traffic signal priority, and
automated information announcements

Department Of Civil Engineering


1.Albarez, L., R. Horowitz and P. Li (1996), “Link Layer Vehicle Flow Controller for the PATH AHS
Architecture,” Proceedings of the 13‘h IFAC World Congress, San Francisco, Vol. Q, pp. 207-212.
2. Barth, M. J. (1997), “The Effects of AHS on the Environment,” in Automated Highway Systems,
(Edited by P. Ioannou), Prenum Press, New York, pp. 265-291
3. A. Sladkowski and P. Wieslaw, Intelligent Transportation Systems Problems and Perspectives,
Springer, 2015, vol. 32, pp. 37-80
4. L. Cao, Meta synthetic Computing and Engineering of Complex Systems, Springer, 2015, pp.
5. Shaheen, S., Martin, E., Cohen, A. and Finson, R. (2012). Public bike sharing in North America:
early operator and user understanding. MTI-11-26. San Jose, CA: Mineta Transportation
6. Kanellakopoulos, I. and M. Tomizuka (1997), “Commercial Trucks and Buses in Automated
Highway Systems,”

Department Of Civil Engineering

7. Li, P., R. Horowitz, L. Alvarez, J. Frankel and A. Robertson (1996), “An AHS Link Layer Controller
for Traffic Flow Stabilization,” To appear in Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging
8.Peng, H, W-B. Zhang, S. Shladover, M. Tomizuka and A. Arai (1993), “Magnetic-Marker-Based
Lane Keeping: A Robustness Experimental Study,” SAE Congress, Detroit, MI, SAE Paper No.
930556, pp. 127-132

Department Of Civil Engineering

Thank You!!

Department Of Civil Engineering

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