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What is all about QCD?

Kashish Pawar , Abhishek Kumar

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Grade XI Science, SelaQui International School


Faculty, Department of Science, SelaQui International School

Motivation Introduction

•Curiosity to know whether there any other smaller particles in Quantum chromodynamics is also known as
the nature other than electrons, neutrons and protons. QCD.
•Reading a few research paper, and articles related to the topic.
•What were the fundamentals of these particles?, Even though it is a modern theory of strong
•Forces on this particles and their real-life applications. interactions, but it originates from nuclear
•Are there any possibilities of any more particles? physics and the description of the ordinary
matter-understanding what protons and
neutrons are and their interaction.

Nowadays QCD is mostly all about what goes on at high-energy accelerators.

Understanding the proton mass in QCD is of utmost importance and current topic of hadronic
physics. The decomposition (sum rule) of the proton mass is not that unique, and different sum
Quarks present in protons or neutrons along with their rules, which might be related to the QCD energy-momentum tensor, can be found in theory.
Charge and sin number.

Force of interaction between the Results Different flavorsSystem
of quarks
particles Alkylammonium nitrate
• Quarks contain a new charge known as ‘color’ which
enables them to emit and absorb gluons.

• Gluons, like photons, have no mass and travel at the

speed of light. But unlike photons, the gluons carry
the color charge that produces them which makes
them capable of emitting and absorbing more gluon.

• QCD coupling, αs(Q ), a measure of the strength of

the strong force, controls the probability of a quark
emitting a gluon, which produces forces between


Fusion of quarks to release energy Discussion Feynman’s diagram of QCD

• There are six varieties of quarks, also known as quark
flavors. The six flavors of quarks consist of up(u),
charm©, top(t), down(d), strange(s), and bottom(b).

• Different flavors of quarks consist of different charge.

• In the standard model, the six flavors of quarks along

with six leptons (the electron, muon, tau, and their
neutrinos) are considered elementary.

• Baryons can also combine with their antiparticles, the

antiquarks, to form mesons

• When an energetic electron collides with a target, the

electron being blind to the strong force scatters from
nucleons of the target by exchanging a photon.

Conclusions References
•Quarks interact by the exchange of gluons, like how electrons interact by the exchange of the quanta of the light, photon.
•QCD helps us study the strong interactions in the form of quarks as quarks come together to form hadrons that are nowadays •Feynman, R. QED, The strange theory of light and
used in high-energy accelerators or in nuclear reactions. matter (Princeton university press, Princeton, 1988)
•Johnson, G. strange beauty (Vintage, New York, 1999).

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