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Grade 5 Spelling


Tr. Lamia Zayed

Tr. Lamia Zayed
Jewel (N)


She loves dressing in her jewels.

Tr. Lamia Zayed

tropical (Adj)

Inhabiting the tropics

The tropical weather is warm and rainy all year.

Tr. Lamia Zayed

Census (N)

Counting of population

The national census is a counting of everyone who lives in the


Tr. Lamia Zayed

Kingdom (N)

A country ruled by a king.

We live in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Tr. Lamia Zayed

Pajamas (N)

A kind of nightwear

Toddlers wear pajamas before they go to bed.

Tr. Lamia Zayed

Bulletin (N)

Board for announcement

The teacher hanged the contest announcement on the class


Tr. Lamia Zayed

Terrific (Adj)

Of great size
Causing terror

Dinosaurs had terrific bodies.

Tr. Lamia Zayed

Gasoline (N)

A kind of fuel

We need to fill the tank with gasoline..

Tr. Lamia Zayed

Estimate (V/N)

Guess the numbers

Can you estimate the number of days needed to finish the


Tr. Lamia Zayed

Carnival (N)


The annual Color Carnival is next week.

Tr. Lamia Zayed

Celebrate (v)

To perform a ceremony

We celebrated the last day of the school year.

Tr. Lamia Zayed

Factory (N)

A building where goods are produced.

My dad works in a small factory.

Tr. Lamia Zayed

illustrate (V)

To provide examples

The teacher illustrated the schwa sound using many examples.

Tr. Lamia Zayed

Operate (V)

To make an operation

The doctor had to operate on me.

Tr. Lamia Zayed

Garage (N)


My dad always leaves the car in the garage overnight.

Tr. Lamia Zayed

Humidity (N)


We use air conditions in places with lots of humidity.

Tr. Lamia Zayed

Elegant (adj)


This necklace is really elegant.

Tr. Lamia Zayed

Celery (N)

A green vegetable

I like to add celery to vegetable soup.

Tr. Lamia Zayed

Consolidation (N)

The action or process of combining a number of things into a single more

effective whole.

We will make a consolidation for our data for the project.

Tr. Lamia Zayed

independent By using dictionary
find the schwa
ordinary sound in each word


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