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Fit as a Fiddle

Presentation realized by Mihailov Nichita

The expression “fit as a fiddle”
means you are at the peak of
physical fitness when referring
to people or yourself. It can
also refer to inanimate systems
or objects. For instance, you
could say your business is “as
fit as a fiddle” if it’s doing well

The origin of the expression “fit as a fiddle”

comes from the slang name for the violin. At
the introduction of the term in the early
1600s, the word “fit” described someone
“suitable” for a task, not necessarily someone
with physical fitness.
How to be fit as
a fiddle
• Exercise Daily
• Eat the Right Foods and
Portion Each Meal
• Keep Track of Calories and
Food Intake Per Day
• Be Sure to Get Sleep
• Stay Motivated
A healthy lifestyle can help you
thrive throughout your life.
Making healthy choices isn't
always easy, however. It can be
hard to find the time and energy to
exercise regularly or prepare
healthy meals. However, your
efforts will pay off in many ways,
and for the rest of your life.

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