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By Hisanan Andrei Mendoza
Coping with COVID-19 : Time of relaxation during the pandemic

Coping with COVID-19 through managing the time of relaxation, preventing

Give a specific description the topic anxiety, loneliness and stress during pandemic

Mention the aspect of specified topic Time management to prevent anxiety and stress

Note down extra specifics about the topic. Relaxation/taking care of our body, mental illness and time managing during covid-
  19 pandemic.

Consult a topic statement. The result of good time management is increased effectiveness and productivity. It
  is a key aspect of preventing mental issue and involves skills such as planning,
setting goals and prioritizing for a better performance

Refine it by adding the element of time, place and relationships. Supervising time of relaxation and Taking care of ourselves dealing with

RESEARCH Supervising the time of relaxation and
PLAN Taking care of ourselves dealing with
 Complete Name: HISANAN ANDREI
 LRN:136871080205

I. BASIC  School and Address: GRPMHS Gen Luna St,

Ususan Taguig City
INFORMATI  Track and Strand: Academic Track, General
Academic Strand (GAS)
ON’S  Complete Home Address : 16 B Capistrano Street,
Hagonoy Taguig City
 It is normal to feel stressed or overwhelmed during uncertain
times. Emotions in response to uncertainty may include
anxiety, fear, anger and sadness. We also could feel helpless,
discouraged and, occasionally, out of control. Physical
responses may include headache, muscle tension, fatigue
and sleeplessness. Taking care of our self is important so we
are equipped to help our family through this time. Person’s
relaxation level is often dependent on his or her breathing

II. pattern. Learn some ways to control breathing and some

techniques to help we reach a greater level of relaxation
during our day. Keeping ourselves and our family healthy is
BABACKG important especially in this time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
 In the Philippines, the number of people infected with the

ROUND virus is going up each day. With the country now declared in a
State of Calamity and a Luzon-wide “Enhanced Community
Quarantine” in effect, we need to level up our own defenses
as well. “Taking care of ourselves is important so we are
equipped to help our family through this time.The COVID-19
pandemic has radically changed the way we live, from our
work to our learning to our social lives. Our new reality poses
a unique set of challenges for all of us. Now more than ever,
practicing self-care is essential when it comes to taking care
of our emotional health and well-being”,( Christine Carter,
 this study focused on relaxation and Taking care of our body
among the student in this time that we experience COVID 19,
particularly who enrolled in General Ricardo Papa Senior
Memorial High School. The researcher conducted a online

III. survey among students to rate and identify how Supervising

the time of relaxation and caring their own self during this
time of Pandemic.

OBJECTIV  According to Pachucki, Ozer, Barrat, and Cattuto (2015)

During their later adolescent years, students spend most of

their time in schools and frequently interact with peers,
classmates and teachers. Their ability to socially integrate
with the entities in the academe influences the state of their

mental health.
 If the student cannot participate in the given survey, The study
also describe the how respondent respond and solve their
time experiences because the researcher believe that there
comment to the online survey can provide more accurate
objective result quantifiable enough to draw a conclusion.
The taking care of
Supervising the time of our body with
Supervising the time of
relaxation and taking dealing COVID-19
relaxation and Taking care
care of our body P that Experienced by
I of our body test O
  R students usually to
N • Gen. Ricardo G. O  Administering of test U those who has a low
P= Papa Memorial = C
  = T mental health. In this
U High School E  Data Tabulation and P case Covid-19
T   S analysis U pandemic. We need
• Junior High S   T to exercise our body
student   and let us
   Data Interpretation supervised the time
• Grade 9 and 10 and conclusion of our relaxation to
  improve our mental
Practicing ‘relaxation’ is paramount to managing stress. When we
relax, the flow of blood increases around our body giving us more
energy. It helps us to have a calmer and clearer mind which aids
positive thinking, concentration, memory and decision making.
Relaxation slows our heart rate, reduces our blood pressure and
relieves tension. It also aids digestion as we absorb essential nutrients
more efficiently when relaxed, which helps to fight off disease and

V. infection.

ASSUMPTI In this relaxation technique, we may form mental images to take a

visual journey to a peaceful, calming place or situation. To relax
using visualization, try to incorporate as many senses as we can,

ON including smell, sight, sound and touch. If Aim to focus on the

present and think positive thoughts.

During this difficult time, it’s important to continue looking after your
physical and mental health. This will not only help us in the long-
term, it will also help us fight COVID-19.

8 March 2021 Reading books, article about The Researcher (Andrei Hisanan) Books, Articles, media  List of definition and concept
the topic related to the topic (supervising the
time of relaxation and Taking care
of our body.)
 List the reference that relate to the

22 March Formulating Background of The Researcher (Andrei hisanan List of definition and  Draft of the background of the study
the study Teachers of the Research (Mrs. concept related to the topic and clarify the target respondent
2021 Leonora Pili and Mrs. Maria (supervising the time of  Formulate the rrl (Review Related
Rosario cobatcha) relaxation and Taking care of Literature)
our body.)

29 March 2021 Submitting the draft of the The Researcher (Andrei hisanan Draft of the background of  Submitting the research
Background of the studies and Teachers of the Research (Mrs. the study and list of  Feedback of the Research Teacher’s
Formulate the rrl Leonora Pili and Mrs. Maria references
Rosario cobatcha)

Christine Carter, PhD (2020) wellness >Self-Care Tips
During the Coronavirus Pandemic |Everyday Health,
Justine Clarabut (2019). Why relaxation is so important |

Wellbeing People

OF .
Mayo Clinic Staff, (2020) Relaxation techniques: Try these

steps to reduce stress

CE Lawrence Robinson and Melinda Smith, M.A.

(2020) Dealing with Uncertainty During the Coronavirus
Pandemic articles › anxiety › dealing with COVID 19
Perrez & Reicherts, (1996). Manage Health and
Wellbeing: Taking Care of Yourself When Managing Others |
CQ Net – Management skills for everyone.

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