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The Calvin Cycle/Dark Reaction

Three phases of the Calvin

1. Carbon Fixation
2. Reduction
3. Regeneration of RuBP
What happens to the G3P after its
release from the cycle?
• Two G3Ps can combine together to form
either glucose or fructose which are both
six-carbon sugars.
• Glucose and fructose = sucrose
• Glucose can be connected in chains to
form starch.
• G3Ps can also be used in lipid and protein
The cost of making carbohydrate
To make one molecule of G3P, the
chloroplast needs:

3 molecules of CO2
9 molecules of ATP
6 molecules of NADPH
Glucose Glucose (C6H12O6) is a
sugar and its
molecular structure
During photosynthesis, plants looks like this.
produce glucose molecules when
they convert light energy into Plants produce sugars as a source of
chemical energy. The chemical food. However, they produce way more
energy is stored in the bonds of than they need to survive. This is a great
glucose. benefit for all the species that depend on
glucose for energy.
Plants also use the All biological energy comes from glucose.
glucose they produce
for energy. When
plants produce excess When animals
glucose they store it in digest plants,
their leaves. they are breaking
down the glucose
bonds to release
stored energy to
power their
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