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A chemical element!

Group Members:Mateo(Leader),Jeart,Abigela,Eraldo.
When was Carbon firstly discovered and who
discovered it?
• So carbon was first discovered in 1789.It was discovered by Antoine
Lavoisier also known as the father of chemistry. Antoine Lavoisier, in
full Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, (born August 26, 1743, Paris, France
—died May 8, 1794, Paris), prominent French chemist and leading figure
in the 18th-century chemical revolution who developed an experimentally
based theory of the chemical reactivity of oxygen and coauthored the
modern system for naming chemical substances. Having also served as a
leading financier and public administrator before the French Revolution ,
he was executed with other financiers during the Terror.
Information about carbon
• Carbon (C), nonmetallic chemical element in Group 14 (IVa) of the periodic
table. Although widely distributed in nature, carbon is not particularly plentiful
—it makes up only about 0.025 percent of Earth’s crust—yet it forms
more compounds than all the other elements combined. In 1961
the isotope carbon-12 was selected to replace oxygen as the standard relative to
which the atomic weights of all the other elements are measured. Carbon-14,
which is radioactive, is the isotope used in radiocarbon dating and
radiolabeling,and it’s a nonmetallic element.
Usage of carbon in daily life and in industries.
• Now you may not even notice but carbon is used in so many daily activities. Some of the
most important uses are:It makes up for 18% of the human body. Sugar, glucose, proteins etc
are all made of it. The food we eat contains an important source of energy which we call
carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are nothing but elements of carbon itself.Carbon in its diamond
form is used in jewellery. But diamonds are also used for industrial purposes. It is the hardest
substance known to man and so has many uses in manufacturing processes.Amorphous
carbon is used to make inks and paints. It is also used in batteries.Graphite is used as the lead
in your pencils. It is also used in the production of steel.One of the most important uses
is carbon dating. We can actually use carbon to measure the age of things. Scientists use a
rare form of carbon called Carbon-14 to measure the age of fossils, bones etc. The release of
this carbon-14 is recorded to estimate the life of the said organic substance. This is how
scientists find the age and period of dinosaur bones and fossils!So as you can see from the
facts given above carbon is an interesting element with uncountable uses. This is why a
detailed study of it is essential in Chemistry.
Usage of carbon in industry.
• Carbon is used in some way in most every industry in the
world. It is used for fuel in the form of coal, methane gas,
and crude oil (which is used to make gasoline). It
is used to make all sorts of materials including plastics and
alloys such as steel (a combination of carbon and iron).
The properties of carbon.
Chemical Properties.
Physical Properties.
C Two allotropes of carbon have different crystalline structures:
diamond and graphite
Combines with oxygen to produce carbon Allotropic
Oxidation The physical properties of carbon vary widely with the
dioxide (CO2 ) and carbon monoxide (CO) allotropic form.
Carbon does not dissolve in, or react with, water Forms of Graphite, diamonds and coal are all nearly pure forms of
Reactivity Carbon carbon
or acids
Carbon has the ability to make long strings, or Color Diamond is highly transparent. Graphite is opaque and black
Chains of Atoms
chains, of atoms

Carbon forms more compounds than all other Diamond is one of the hardest substances known to man.
Compounds elements combined; several million carbon Graphite is soft and often used as the "lead" in lead pencils
compounds are known
Diamond has a very low electrical conductivity. Graphite is a
Carbon also occurs in a newly very good conductor
Buckminsterfuller discovered form known as fullerenes or Brittleness
Very brittle, and cannot be rolled into wires or pounded into
en - C60 buckyballs. A fullerene is any molecule composed sheets
entirely of carbon. Fullerenes are similar in
structure to graphite Phase Solid
Reactions (reactivity of carbon with other elements)

• Carbon does not dissolve in or react with water, acids, or most other materials. It does, however,
react with oxygen. It burns in air to produce carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and carbon monoxide (CO). The
combustion (burning) of coal gave rise to the Industrial Revolution (1700-1900).Another highly
important and very unusual property of carbon is its ability to form long chains. It is not unusual for
two atoms of an element to combine with each other. Oxygen (O 2 ), nitrogen (N 2 ), hydrogen
(H 2 ), chlorine (Cl 2 ), and bromine (Br 2 ) are a few of the elements that can do this. Some elements
can make even longer strings of atoms. Rings of six and eight sulfur atoms (S 6 and S 8 ), for
example, are not unusual.Carbon has the ability to make virtually endless strings of atoms. If one
could look at a molecule of almost any plastic, for example, a long chain of carbon atoms attached
to each other (and to other atoms as well) would be evident. Carbon chains can be even more
complicated. Some chains have side chains hanging off them.
An example of carbon making an acid and a
• Carbonic acid, (H2CO3), a compound of the elements hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen. It is
formed in small amounts when its anhydride, carbon dioxide (CO2), dissolves in water.
• Carbon forms two important gases with oxygen: carbon monoxide, CO, and carbon dioxide, CO2.
Carbon oxides are important components of the atmosphere, and they are parts of the carbon
• Carbon dioxide is naturally produced by respiration and metabolism, and consumed by plants in
their photosynthesis.
• Carbon monoxide is also a national and global concern. The Consumer Product Safety
Commission (CPSC) considers CO a senseless killer, and it provides information on CO poisoning
and detection.
Interesting pictures of Carbon.
Fun Facts about carbon.
•7.Carbon gets its name from the Latin word carbo, which means "coal." Diamonds and
graphite are among the hardest and softest natural materials known,
respectively. ... Carbon makes up 0.032 percent of the Earth's lithosphere (crust and
outer mantle) by weight, according to the Encyclopedia of Earth.
Thank you very much!

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