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The Weakness

and Strength
of bicycles

By: Qothrunada ,Rumaysha

Ziyana ,Reffa & Taseefa
The strength of bicycle
Environmentally Friendly

because it does not contribute carbon emissions and does

not require fuel consumption because it moves using human
power and bicycles do not produce pollutants so that the air
around is maintained bicycles also do not need fuel so they can
save the supply of fossil fuels on earth

Make body healthy

Routine cycling, can make our bodies healthy and can also lose
weight, burn calories and can prevent various diseases. Bicycles
can also improve body strength and balance. so if you want to be
thin, you have to cycle regularly.


Bicycles are easy to carry anywhere, if you want to travel far,

bicycles can be carried using other means of transportation. and
also bicycles don't create traffic jams because bicycles are smaller
than other means of transportation
The weakness of bicycle
No machine

Because bicycles do not have engines, riders tend to get tired more
quickly from pedaling continuously, and also bicycles cannot
speed up on the road, and it takes quite a long time to reach their

have no lights

if at night the bicycle is difficult to see the road because it does not
have lights, this can trigger accidents, and also riders can also get
lost on the road because the streets are dark

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