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Statement of the Problem
This study will look into the different factors of online teaching approach that affects the learning
development and behavior of the students. This study aims to answer the following inquiries:
1.What is the status of online teaching on the following aspects:
a. Strength of Internet connectivity;
b. Availability of signal in the location;
c. Clarity of the Power Point Presentation;
d. Availability of the load; and
e. Accessibility of the platform used?
2. What are the effects of online teaching to the learning development and behavior of the
students on the following areas:
Learning Progress;
Compliance to the subject requirements;
Assessment Result;
Behavior towards online classes;
Attendance to the classes; and
Test and quizzes?
3. On the basis of the findings, what intervention can be proposed?
Strength of Connectivity
1.00-1.80 Undecided
1.81-2.60 Slightly Agree
2.61-3.40 Agree
3.41-4.20 Strongly Agree
4.21-5.00 Excellent

Table 2 shows that 3.36% of the respondents agreed that their internet connection is always available in the
area. And 3.8% agreed that the social media platform are reliable in managing their activity files. Based on the
findings after the data gathering conducted by the researchers majority of the population agreed that internet
connection is always available in their area as well as the reliability of social media platforms in managing
activity files. This is a good sign for an online option in education if the internet connection is stable and
reliable in any area. Finish Transport and Communications Agency (TRAFICOM) multiple factors affect the
speed and quality of internet connection. Transfer technology, your location, number of people you share the
connection with and the device you use are only some of the factors. Internet connection in the area is very
crucial considering the findings of Chung et al. (2020b) wherein internet connection is one of the great
challenges of learning online among students. And based on the studies of Siddiquah and Salim (2017) and
Bisht et al. (2020), problems in the internet signal might become a barrier among students in their learning. In
a study by Fabito et al., (2020) the group revealed that one of the three barriers and challenges that students
encountered in online learning was a good internet connection.
5 4 3 4 1 100+92+54+56+1=303
Excellent Strongly Agree Agree Slightly Agree Undecided
20 x 5 = 23 x 4 = 18 x 3 = 28 x 2 = 1x1= 303/90
100 92 54 56 1
=3.36 Agree
Signal in the Location
1.00-1.80 Undecided
1.81-2.60 Slightly Agree
2.61-3.40 Agree
3.41-4.20 Strongly Agree
4.21-5.00 Excellent

Table 3 shows that 3.38% of the population agreed that internet connection is available in their location. And
3.47% of the population strongly agreed that the school location has phone and internet access making online
learning effective and productive. After collecting data the researchers came up with a result showing that the
majority of the respondents has an internet connection in their location and the same thing with the school's
location. In another particular article by Hossain and Rahman (2017), they stipulated that students from their
studies need to enhance their internet usage and further suggested that the university should provide internet
facilities and an environment for students. Another study also spoke of the importance of enhanced internet
connectivity for e-learning especially in rural areas (Ahmed et al., 2017). It is necessary for students to have e
stable internet connection at home or schools in order to participate and create an effective adjustment from
face to face to virtual or e learning.
Clarity of power point presentation
1.00-1.80 Undecided
1.81-2.60 Slightly Agree
2.61-3.40 Agree
3.41-4.20 Strongly Agree
4.21-5.00 Excellent

Table 4 shows the data about clarity of PowerPoint presentation, 3.66% of respondents strongly agreed, in the second
indicator, the respondents obtained 3.6% with a verbal description of Agree that knowledge of PowerPoint presentation is
exceptional. Based on the data gathered by the researchers, schools are provided with Wi-Fi to support the internet
connectivity to access platforms for online class and the clarity of the PowerPoint presentation also refers on the strength
of the internet connectivity in which students can fully understand the presentation with a clearer vision , better
PowerPoint format and well-explained.
The use of PowerPoint has caused much debate since its increasing use has corresponded with a period when
attendance at lectures has declined noticeably throughout Higher Education, largely independent of discipline or
institution. This has led to some implicating the availability of PowerPoint files to the student population in this decline.
However, it is evident from the widespread observations that courses not using PowerPoint have suffered similar declines
in attendance to those that do use it, that the problem is not specific to the technology. It is much more closely related to
the quality of lectures in general and more general difficulties encountered by the student population such as having to
undertake paid term-time employments. Where PowerPoint is considered a negative factor, it is usually as a result of the
‘misuse’ of the technology through inappropriate pedagogical approaches. So how should it be used? The following is a
review of some of the key issues that need to be resolved before PowerPoint can be used optimally within a
Availability of load
1.00-1.80 Undecided
1.81-2.60 Slightly Agree
2.61-3.40 Agree
3.41-4.20 Strongly Agree
4.21-5.00 Excellent

Table 5 , the availability of load , respondents obtained 3.52 % with the verbal description of strongly agree
that teachers' phone can easily access all forms of platforms used in class. In the second indicator, the
respondents obtained 2.92% with the verbal description of Agree that cellular phone load is not a problem.
Based on what the researchers gathered, there are respondents strongly agreed that teachers are more
accessible in all forms of platforms during online class when there is an availability of load and there are also
respondents agreed that phone load is not a problem when it comes to online class. And one of the biggest
challenges to address the problem regarding learning is the availability of technological gadgets and internet
connectivity. There were pieces of literature that supported the argument of this study and saw the needs
and challenges of internet connections among students (Aboagye et al., 2021; Chase et al., 2018; Chung et
al., 2020a; Lorenzo, 2017).
Range: Accessibility of the platform used
1.00-1.80 Undecided
1.81-2.60 Slightly Agree
2.61-3.40 Agree
3.41-4.20 Strongly Agree
4.21-5.00 Excellent

The table 6 shows that 3.48% of the respondents strongly agreed that the platform used in the online class is accessible in
their phones. And 3.58% also strongly agreed that the platform used is very common to us. The findings here shows that the
website and application are now accessible through smartphones, all users must be able to easily register and enter a virtual
class. Online learning or learning from home not only requires smartphones but it can demand different technologies like
computer, e books and more, this all materials can help students easily access. According to the Oxford English Dictionary,
accessibility is defined as “the quality of being easily reached, entered, or used by people who have disability. "Accessibility is
important in education because it ensures that all faculty and students are able to fully participate in classes and other
activities, that is, they can reach and enter the classroom, whether face-to-face or online, and use course materials.
Behavioral Effects on Online Classes
  Table 7 contains the overall list of behavioral effects on online classes. Shows that
Students are extremely interactive in the online class (3.66%) with a verbal
description strongly agree. Show interest in the class by asking several questions
that would improve learning and critical mind (3.81%) with a verbal description of
strongly agree. Students presented highly noticeable interest of the topics
discussed in the class (3.71%) with a verbal description of strongly agree. Students
submitted the required assignment on time (3.54%) verbally described as strongly
agree. Students generally open their link and present in the class ahead of time
(3.54%) with a verbal description of strongly agree. Students did not commit any
absences in the class (3%) with a verbal description of agree. Students never
missed class discussion and presented their report excellently (3.15%) with a
description of agree. Class attendance is always 100%(3.15%) with it's verbal
description agree.
Attendance of students manifested that they are ready for the class (3.44%) with a
verbal description of strongly agree and the ability of the students to recall the
given information based on online discussion (3.56%) strongly agree. The data
above tells that students are extremely interactive in the online class and show
interest in the class for most of the data came up with a high percentage and
describe as strongly agree. The data in the above table shows the responses of the
respondents that online classes are highly interactive. It also revealed that take
online class as an effective and efficient systems of learning to fulfill their
Range: educational needs at distant location. The data shows that students are flexible in
1.00-1.80 Undecided many aspects especially at time management according to Dewey communication,
1.81-2.60 Slightly Agree
2.61-3.40 Agree online classes give students full control over their own learning, students are able
3.41-4.20 Strongly Agree to work at their own speed.
4.21-5.00 Excellent
Interest in the Classes
Indicators Weighted Verbal Description
The result of the study shows an excessive result in terms of the interest of
Learning progress of the students    
is extremely evident 3.85% Strongly Agree the students in online class. 3.85% strongly agreed that learning progress is
Students showed mastery of the
subject matter
Strongly Agree
clearly seen "since online classes can be taken from home or location of
Assessment schedule was set     choice, there are fewer chances of students missing out on lessons"
ahead of time and students
participated with it 100%
3.83% Strongly Agree (Priyanka Gautam 2020). Afterwards students showed mastery of the
Assessment done produced a very     subject matter as 3.73% agreed as "students learn more than they do in
high result 3.44% Strongly Agree traditional courses because online courses give students full control over
Assessment is comprehensive    
and holistic 3.67% Strongly Agree their own learning, students are able to work at their own speed"(Dexway
Test and quizzes earned highest     2020). Assessment of students are at high standard as 3.83% strongly
scores 3.41% Strongly Agree
Test results manifested mastery of    
agreed which means students are participating in online class. Evaluation of
the subject matter by the students 3.74% Strongly Agree students is considerable as 3.74% agreed which means students are
Test was done comprehensively    
competent. Overall the progress of academic performance of the students
and gain higher result than other 3.51% Strongly Agree are enhancing with online class as this statement aligned with the idea of
Student’s academic progress from    
community college of aurora (2022) With an online class, you get to control
previous to recent subject matter. 3.55% Strongly Agree over your learning environment, which ultimately helps you develop a
deeper understanding of your degree course.
Excellency of students upon    
submitting the requirements. 3.71% Strongly Agree
Average Weighted Mean 3.64% Strongly Agree

1.00-1.80 Undecided
1.81-2.60 Slightly Agree
2.61-3.40 Agree
3.41-4.20 Strongly Agree
4.21-5.00 Excellent
Conclusion and Recommendations
This chapter presents the summary on the research work undertaken, the conclusions drawn
and the recommendations made as an outgrowth of this study.
The result of the data that the researcher gathered base on the questionnaires on the first
question on the statement of the problem, the strength of internet connectivity is always
available in the area. Since majority of the students were residing in an area where internet
connection is available and the connectivity is strong reliable many students are at ease in
participating in online learning. And the reliability of social media platforms in managing
activities are at ease as it attained an average of agree verbal description. And the clarity of
power point presentation also helped in maintaining the good distribution of information for
an effective learning to both students and teachers.
Second is the behavioral interest of the students in participating in online class. Students
showed an extreme interaction and participation during online class by asking several
questions related to the topic that would improve learning and critical mind. Showing a
positive response to the online learning through entering the class links given and omitting
absences resulting a good attendance and can recall given information based on online
Third the data gathered by the researchers shows that students effectively understood their
discussion by giving a high result if assessments and evaluations are done. Online learning
has undoubtedly given a lot of benefits in the new education system to continue classes
under the new normal. Benefits are imparted in both sides of the students and instructors as
instructors can make new and creative ways in conveying educational activities and make
it a lot more interesting and the student is at full cooperation towards collaboration in
online learning to have efficient and quality education. The researchers found out that
online learning was used as option in order to continuously hold classes in spite of the
presence of pandemic. The data gathered tells that students and teachers are already
adjusting to the current situation. After all the gathering of data from students and teachers
the study shows that online class or e learning was an effective aid for education in
response for COVID-19 pandemic. Data shows that the response and adjustments of
students in the different aspects of education especially on the behavior of students. Based
on the study online class or e learning improved the quality of teacher interactions, foster
increased student’s engagement and improved learning outcomes a midst the current
situation. But students still prefer face to face learning.

Based from the conclusion, the following recommendations are laid:

1. Teachers and students need to work collaboratively and take equal
responsibility in determining the best approach that redefines meaningful
2. Investigate the advantages and disadvantages of using both synchronous and
face to face learning through experimental design.
3. Schools should continue to provide assistance to students and teachers.
4. Both students and teachers must continue to adopt and adjust to the new way
of learning to create a better learning outcome.
Intervention Design
A teacher's biggest accomplishment is gaining the interest and participation of the
students but it became a struggle among teachers as synchronous learning were implied
under the new normal. The researchers came up with four methods in order to optimize
the attention and interest of the students towards synchronous learning. Although the
majority of the results being gathered shown that students strongly agreed that they have
strong internet connectivity during online class. The first strategy is to create a plan for
those students who don't have enough strength of internet connectivity , that they may
be given consideration among the instructors especially in submitting of requirements
while the weather isn't fine and students be provided with supporting modem that could
enhance their internet connectivity.
The second method is selection of synchronous learning online platforms which selects
software applications suited to the students gadgets.
The student and teacher should build trust and promote open communication. An
interactive activity encourage student and teacher to explain concept thoroughly to each
other. Building trust is a must. They need to respect and appreciate each others viewpoints
for it to work. For instance, class discussions can emphasize the need for different
perspective. Teacher should develop an attitude of being an effective teacher in online
learning by setting standard and expectations throughout the class. Teachers should provide
students with a very clear set of expectations before they commence their studies. The
expectations can outline due dates for assessments and how much online participation you
require of them. Teachers should always be present in class by focusing attentively during
class hours. So that students will more encourage to participate in class discussion. Students
studying online can sometimes feel deserted and alone , students should exhibits a positive
outlook and attitude in the classroom, and shows enthusiasm for activities. Being an
enthusiastic learner seems to enjoy online class more than the normal and usual class. They
should strive to be committed in school works, uses instincts to deal with matters
independently and in a positive way. Teachers should also foster personal relationships
with students boosting their self-esteem to finish their studies whatever obstacles may
Issues and Challenges Alternative course of Action / Solution Expected Output
Unstable internet connectivity In case of low bandwidth or little data, the chances
are even if the camera is disabled and only the voice
There will be no students left behind the discussion
due to unstable internet connectivity. Absences will
features is kept, it’s not possible to stay in the virtual be controlled and students are updated with their
classroom. One of the solution is just another social online activities and classroom requirements to be
media platform such as what’s up. It is a cross- submitted.
platform centralized instant messaging and voice-
over-IP service. It consumes low data consumption
and can help us stay updated in the discussion. And
copies of the PowerPoint presentation will sent after
by the teacher.
Absences of students The instructors will check the attendance in every
meeting and update the students about their
The instructors become aware and know the reasons
of the students' absences and they will be able to
absences especially when the students are always help find ways for students to continue learning and
absent during classes. Since it is online , there are to improve their attendance during classes .
many social media platforms to be used to connect
with each other by asking the students for their  
Students missed discussions To take an action for this, teacher should make a plan
how to solve this problem,and the first thing to do is
Attendance of students and their performance will
improve, and when we talk about attendance, the
because of absences observe your students behavior, how he/she act in
your class, if the students is always not attending the
focus is often on how a students presence directly to
the mastery in attending online class.
class, then tell their parents to give their child a
counseling,and teacher should always reach out their  
students who make absences, if possible teacher
should call,text or email students who are absent to
ask why they are always absent during online
discussions. Teacher should express care and concern
to their students because it will help students feel like
they are part of the class.
The action for this is to improve The internet connectivity will
Availability of internet the internet speeds and prevent always available in the area, and the
others from leeching off your internet connection will increased
connectivity in the area network without permission to speed, so that the teachers and
increase your internet connectivity, students can always attend during
and always available in the area, if online class.
possible add strong password to  
protect your wireless routers.

Teachers should initiate a capacity Students will become more

Student lacked knowledge in building that will help students knowledgeable and can create a
understand and gain enough good PowerPoint presentation that
power point presentation knowledge in creating and will make an effective learning for
presenting their PowerPoint both teacher and student.
If ever mobile phone load is not Students have an option and an
available in the area we have this alternative if encase mobile load is
alternative internet connecting not available in the area. Students
Unavailability of mobile phone modems such as the peso net or can now continue to the class and
load even personal Wi-Fi connections to create an effective learning
  keep us updated and active during experience online.
  online class discussions.

The instruction will give an exact Students will attain initiative

Late submission of date of submission, but after that and will be able to submit the
instructor will constantly remind
requirements and ask for the progress of a given tasks on time and in that
particular task or activity required way students are likely to
to be submitted in that way handle multi tasking by
students will lean more time in developing it to their selves.
finishing the task given.  

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