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What is Canonical Tag?

A canonical tag (rel=“canonical”) is a snippet of HTML code that defines the
main version for duplicate, near-duplicate and similar pages. In other words, if
you have the same or similar content available under different URLs, you can
use canonical tags to specify which version is the main one and thus, should
be indexed. Also, it is a page level meta tag that is place in the HTML header of
the webpage.

1. Having Mobile versions of a page.

( and amp.example/page)

2. Having separate printable versions of a page.

( and

Structure of Canonical Tag

Canonical tags are placed within the <head> section of a web page:

<link rel=“canonical” href=“” />

Here’s what each part of that code means:

link rel=“canonical”: The link in this tag is the master version of this page.
href=“”: The canonical version can be
found at this URL.
Importance of Canonical Tag for SEO
Google doesn’t like duplicate content. It makes it harder for them to choose:

● Which version of a page to index (they’ll only index one!)

● Which version of a page to rank for relevant queries.
● Whether they should consolidate “link equity” on one page, or split it
between multiple versions.

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