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Week 3
Teacher II
After going through this module, you
are expected to:
1. infer that animals have different
body structures that make them
adapt to land and water.
2. compare the different body
structure of the animals that make
them adapt to land and water.
3. list down the body structures of
animals that make them adapt to
What I Know
Guess the word:
are body structures that allow an animal to find and
consume food, defend itself, and to ... It help an animal
survive in its environment.

___ d ___ ___ t a ___ i ___ n

Did you know that…..

Animals have body structures that enable them to live in water and
on land. For example, animals can live in water (aquatic animals)
because they have scales, outside skeleton,

shells and gills. Scales are used for protection from diseases and harmful
objects and for swimming. On the adapt on land

terrestrial animals). Adaptation is process of developing for animals to

Body Parts of
Animals that Live in

On the other hand, animals have also structures that help

them dapt on land (terrestrial animals). Some animals like dogs,
cats, and monkeys are covered with fur to keep them warm.
Others like birds are covered with feathers for them to have
ability to fly. Some like worms have smooth skin for breathing.
In general, most of animals have body coverings or protection.
They have also parts for movement like legs have lungs for
Terrestrial Animals
About Amphibians

Amphibians are small vertebrates that need

water, or a moist environment, to survive.
ike reptiles, amphibians are cold-blooded.
Because of their special skin they require
very specific living conditions. Too much sun
can damage their cells. Too much wind can
dry their skin and dehydrate the animal.
Directions: How does the following animals move in their
habitat? Write walk, hop, jump, fly, crawl or swim. Do your
answers in your notebook.
1. salamander - ____________________
2. prawn - _________________________
3. toad -__________________________
4. grasshopper - ______________
5. turkey - _________________________
6. tilapia - _________________________
7. pig - _________________________
8. blue whale - ______________
9. owl -__________________________
10. king cobra -____________________
Loss of habitat is the biggest reason why lots of
animals are becoming extinct. Some animals are
noe endangered because of deforestation, illegal
hunting and selling of animals. Philippine eagle-
owl and Philippine eagle are endangered specie. In
your own little way , as grade 4 learner what can
you do to help protect the animals?
Animals have a different body structure that helps them adapt to land
and water. It serves as their protection or helps them survived in the
Answer the questions below.
1. Why do you think sheep have a thick fur?
2. Why do fish survives in the water ?
3. Do you think animals that live on land can live in water? Explain
your answer.
4. What is the importance of letting animals live in their natural habitat?
5. Why some animals can live both on land and in the water?
Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the
letter of the correct answer in your notebook.
1. Which group of animals live in a water habitat?
a. fish, squid, crab
b. horse, goat, monkey
c. dolphin, carabao, hawk
d. tadpole, grasshopper, hawk
2. Why can fish live in water?
I. They have tail that helps them swim.
II. They can open their eyes under the water.
III. They have mouth that can drink much water
IV. They have gills that helps them breath in water.
a. I and III b. I and IV c. I and II d. III and IV

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