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Dr. Anjali Gupta
What is measurement?

• The term ‘measurement’ means assigning numbers or some

other symbols to the characteristics of certain objects. When
numbers are used, the researcher must have a rule for
assigning a number to an observation in a way that provides
an accurate description.
Types of measurement scale
• Nominal scale
• Ordinal scale
• Interval scale
• Ratio scale
• Nominal scale:- This is the lowest level of measurement. Here, numbers are
assigned for the purpose of identification of the objects. Any object which is
assigned a higher number is in no way superior to the one which is assigned a
lower number.
• Ordinal scale:- An ordinal scale measurement tells whether an object has more
or less of characteristics than some other objects. However, it cannot answer how
much more or how much less. An ordinal scale tells us the relative positions of the
objects and not the difference between the magnitudes of the objects.
• Interval scale:- The interval measurement scale is the third level of
measurement scale. This scaling is a quantitative measurement scale in which we
can express the difference between any two variables.
• Ratio scale:- The ratio measurement scale is the fourth level of measurement
scale, which is quantitative. The ratio scaling has a unique feature: it possesses the
origin or zero points character.
• An attitude describes persons’ enduring favorable or
unfavorable cognitive evaluations, feelings, and action
tendencies toward some object or idea. People have attitudes
regarding almost everything such as religion, politics, cloth,
music, food.
Cognitive Affective l
Classification of scaling techniques
Comparative Scales
• Paired comparison scales: A respondent is presented with two objects and is
asked to select one according to whatever criterion he or she wants to use. The
resulting data from this scale is ordinal in nature.
• Rank order scaling: A respondents are presented with several objects
simultaneously and asked to order or rank them according to some criterion.
Soft Drinks Rank
• Constant sum rating scaling: In constant sum rating scale, the respondents are asked
to allocate a total of 100 points between various objects and brands. The respondent
distributes the points to the various objects in the order of his preference.
Schools Points
Modern School
DAV Public School
Tagore International

• Q-sort technique: The Q-sort technique was developed to discriminate among a large
number of objects quickly. This technique makes use of the rank order procedure in which
objects are sorted into different piles based on their similarity with respect to certain
Non-Comparative Scales
• Continuous Rating Scales:- It is a graphical rating scale where the respondent tick his
preference on a graph.
E.g. (Please put a tick mark () on the following line to indicate your preference for fast food.)

• Itemized rating scale:-  It emphasizes on choosing a particular category among the various
given categories by the respondents. Each class is briefly defined by the researchers to facilitate
such selection.

rating scale
Likert Scale

Differential Scale

• Likert Scale:- This is a multiple item agree–disagree five-point scale. The
respondents are given a certain number of items (statements) on which they
are asked to express their degree of agreement/disagreement.
• Semantic differential scale: Here the respondent is required to rate each
attitude or object on a number of five-or seven-point rating scales. This scale
is bounded at each end by bipolar adjectives or phrases.
Company A
------------- Company

• Stapel scale:- The Stapel scale is used to measure the direction and
intensity of an attitude. The Stapel scale use only single adjectives. The range
of a Stapel scale is between -5 to +5 eliminating 0, thus confining to 10 units.
• Research Methodology Concepts and Cases;- By Dr Deepak Chawla , Dr
Neena Sondhi
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