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Lesson 9.

Properties of Central and

Inscribed Angles
Learning Competencies

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to do

the following:

• Prove theorems related to chords, arcs, central angles,

and inscribed angles (M10GE-IIc-d-1).

• Solve problems on circles (M10GE-IIf-2).


At the end of this lesson, the learner should be able to

● Define the Inscribed Angle and Semicircle Theorems.

● State the proof of Inscribed Angle and Semicircle


● Find angle and arc measures using the properties of

central and inscribed angles.

At the end of this lesson, the learner should be able to

● Solve word problems involving central and inscribed

Have you ever been to a Ferris wheel? It is exciting to ride such a
huge ride, but those who are operating this ride must be very
careful in managing this.
If the ride malfunctions, it could endanger the lives of the
passengers. Thus, engineers must inspect this ride often to
ensure the safety of the passengers. One consideration that
they must have is that the beams of the ride should be in their
correct position.
The two beams that are attached to the Ferris wheel make sure
that the wheel is stable. Have you ever wondered what is the
measure of the angle that the two beams form? How about the
measure of the intercepted arc? To determine this, you can
apply the concepts of central and inscribed angles.

In this lesson, you will learn about the properties of central and
inscribed angles.
Essential Questions

● How are inscribed angles related to central angles?

● How can you apply the properties of central and inscribed

angles in solving problems on circles?
Learn about It!

Inscribed Angle Theorem

The measure of an inscribed angle is half the measure of its

intercepted arc or the central angle.
Learn about It!

Inscribed Angle Theorem

In circle , if , then by the Inscribed Angle Theorem.
Learn about It!

Semicircle Theorem

If an inscribed angle intercepts a semicircle, then the angle is a

right angle.
Learn about It!

Semicircle Theorem

In circle , is a semicircle. Since intercepts , then by virtue of
the Semicircle Theorem, .
Try it!Practice

Example 1: In circle , . Find .

Solution to Let’s Practice

Example 1: In circle , . Find .

Notice that is an inscribed angle. Thus, by
the Inscribed Angle Theorem, it must be
half the measure of its intercepted arc, ,
which is the same in measure as the central
angle .
Solution to Let’s Practice

Example 1: In circle , . Find .


Thus, .
Try it!Practice

Example 2: In circle , suppose and . What is

Solution to Let’s Practice

Example 2: In circle , suppose and . What is

1. Set up an equation relating the two

Since is a central angle, and is an inscribed

angle that intercepts the same arc, , the
following equation will be applied in using
the Inscribed Angle Theorem.
Solution to Let’s Practice

Example 2: In circle , suppose and . What is

1. Set up an equation relating the two
Solution to Let’s Practice

Example 2: In circle , suppose and . What is

2. Solve for .
Solution to Let’s Practice

Example 2: In circle , suppose and . What is

3. Determine .

Substitute into the expression for .

Solution to Let’s Practice

Example 2: In circle , suppose and . What is

3. Determine .

Therefore, .
Try it!

Individual Practice:
1. In circle , . What is ?
Try it!

Individual Practice:
2. In circle , if and , find .
Try it!

Group Practice: Form six groups of students.

Three flowering shrubs are arranged in a circular garden.

The distance between the blue and yellow shrub is equal to
20 feet, and the distance between the blue and red shrub is
15 feet. If the yellow and red shrubs lie on the diameter of
the garden, what is the distance between them?
Key Points

• The Inscribed Angle Theorem states that the measure

of an inscribed angle is half the measure of its
intercepted arc or the central angle

• The Semicircle Theorem states that if an inscribed angle

intercepts a semicircle, then the angle is a right angle.

“Inscribed Angles in Circles.” CK-12. Accessed April 10, 2019.
Larson, Ron, et al. Geometry. Illinois: McDougal Littell, 2007.

Pierce, Rod. “Circle Theorems.” Math is Fun. Accessed April 10, 2019.
Rhoad, Richard, George Milauskas, and Robert Whipple. Geometry for Enjoyment and Challenge. Illinois:
McDougal Littell, 1991.

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