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Presentation Project
Important notes for the presentation
1) This is a group project so students must do it in a group of three
2) Each group picks one province in Indonesia and find 3 festivals in the province chosen by the students
3) Students are not allowed to choose the same province
4) As there are 3 festivals, each member of the group must do a presentation for each festival
5) The description about the festival must cover some important points as follow:
a) What festival is it?
b) Where does it take place?
c) What is the purpose of the festival?
d) When is held?
e) Who runs the festival?
f) What do people do during the festival?
6) When you do the presentation, please provide the picture and the description of the festival (Deadline, check the timeline.)
7) You must choose one of the group members as the moderator to open and close the presentation
Useful Phrases when Doing a presentation
-Good Morning Ladies and Gentleman, It is such an honor for us to stand in front of you. Today, we would like to present some
festivals from ……….. Province.
The presentation will start from ………, She/He/I will talk about …………..
The second is ………… She/He/I will talk about …….
And the last is …………….. She/He/I will talk about………..
We hope you enjoy the presentation.

- Good Morning everyone, Today I will talk about……… festival.

Dear Everyone, that’s all about our presentation. Thank you for your attention and have a nice day

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