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Canadian English

Vasyutkina Anna

Canadian English
• List of unknown words
• In General
• Interesting facts
• Vocabulary
• Accents
• Tasks
List of unknown words
• Washroom - вбиральня
• Hydro – світло
• Double double – подвійний цукор
• Distinguish - відрізняти
In General
• English is one of Canada’s two official languages. According to the
2016 Canadian census, English is the mother tongue of approximately
19.5 million people, or 57 per cent of the population, and the first
official language of about 26 million people, or 75 per cent of the
Canadian population.
Interesting facts Canadian English
is different from
• Canadian English is generally taught in schools using other forms of
British ways of spelling, such as colour, flavour, and English in its
so on. spoken form also.
• The main exception to this rule is terms related to  The dialects vary
cars and the auto industry. Because Canada's auto from sounding
industry has always been dominated by American
firms, Canadians use American words and spelling for
overtly English to
such terms. Canadians and Americans spell the outer an
rubber portion of a wheel as tire instead of tyre, indistinguishable
put gasoline or gas in their vehicles instead of petrol, form very similar
store items in the trunk instead of the boot, and may
drive a truck instead of a lorry.
to those spoken
in the northern
• Washroom
• Double Double
Here’s a phrase you must learn when coming to Canada. “I am going to Timmies to grab a box of
timbits and a large Double Double.” That is what you say when leave the house to order an
assortment of tasty doughnut centres and an oversized cup of coffee with two creams and two
sugars at Tim Horton Doughnuts. Mmm Yummy.
• Hydro
Here’s a word I just learned was distinctly Canadian. I didn’t realize that we are the only people in the world
that call their electricity Hydro. When we pay our utilities each month, we pay our hydro bill. We don’t call it
our electric bill. It’s Hydro.
• Generally, what everyone recognizes as generic "Canadian" is the
accent found in Western and Central Canada. The two major features
that distinguish it from a conservative General American accent are
"Canadian raising" and the "Canadian shift". Also, we tend to refer to
the letter 'z' as 'zed', and may add 'eh?' to the end of our sentences
(per the cliché).

• Two cases where a Canadian accent was lampooned are with Bob &
Doug McKenzie from SCTV, and in South Park, where the entire
United Nations laughs at the accent of the Canadian ambassador.

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