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A permutation is an arrangement of objects in a

definite order. The members or elements of sets
are arranged in a sequence or linear order. For
example, the permutation of set A={1,6} is 2, such
as {1,6}, {6,1}. As you can see, there are no other
ways to arrange the elements of set A.
In permutation, the elements should be arranged in
a particular order whereas in combination the
order of elements does not matter. Also, read: 
Permutation And Combination
The formula for permutation of n objects for r selection of objects is
given by:
P(n,r) = n!/(n-r)!
For example, the number of ways 3rd and 4th position can be awarded
to 10 members is given by:
P(10, 2) = 10!/(10-2)! = 10!/8! = (1098!)/8!
= 10 x 9 = 90
Types of Permutation

Permutation can be classified in three different categories:

•Permutation of n different objects (when repetition is not allowed)
•Repetition, where repetition is allowed
•Permutation when the objects are not distinct (Permutation of multi sets)

Permutation of n different objects

• If n is a positive integer and r is a whole number,
such that r < n, then P(n, r) represents the number
of all possible arrangements or permutations of n
distinct objects taken r at a time. It can also be
represented as:
• nPr.
P(n, r) = n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)……..up to r factors
⇒ P(n, r) = n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)……..(n – r +1)

Example: How many 3 letter words with or without

meaning can be formed out of the letters of the word
SWING when repetition of letters is not allowed?
Solution: Here n = 5, as the word SWING has 5 letters. Since
we have to frame 3 letter words with or without meaning and
without repetition, therefore total permutations possible are:


= = = 60
Permutation when repetition is allowed
• When the number of object is “n,” and we
have “r” to be the selection of object, then;
• Choosing an object can be in n different ways
(each time).
• Thus, the permutation of objects when
repetition is allowed will be equal to,
• n × n × n × ……(r times) = nr
Example: How many 3 letter words with or without
meaning can be formed out of the letters of the
word SMOKE when repetition of words is allowed?
The number of objects, in this case, is 5, as the word SMOKE has 5
• and r = 3, as 3-letter word has to be chosen.
• Thus, the permutation will be:
• Permutation (when repetition is allowed)
5 5
Permutation of multi-sets
Permutation of n different objects when  objects among ‘n’ objects
are similar,   objects of the second kind are similar,  objects of the
third kind are similar ……… and so on,  objects of the kth kind are
similar and the remaining of all are of a different kind,
Thus it forms a multiset, where the permutation is given as:
Fundamental Counting Principle
According to this principle, “If one operation can be
performed in ‘m’ ways and there are n ways of
performing a second operation, then the number
of ways of performing the two operations together
is m x n “.
This principle can be extended to the case in which
the different operation be performed in m, n, p, . . .
. . . ways.
In this case the number of ways of performing all
the operations one after the other is m x n x p
x . . . . . . . . and so on
Example 1: In how many ways 6 children can be arranged
in a line, such that
• (i) Two particular children of them are always together
• (ii) Two particular children of them are never together
• Solution:
• (i) The given condition states that 2 students need to be
together, hence we can consider them 1.
• Thus, the remaining 7 gives the arrangement in 5! ways, i.e.
• Also, the two children in a line can be arranged in 2! Ways.
• Hence, the total number of arrangements will be,
5! × 2! = (5 1) = 120 × 2 = 240 ways
(ii) The total number of arrangements of 6 children will be 6!, 6
720 ways.
Out of the total arrangement, we know that two particular
children when together can be arranged in 240 ways.

Therefore, total arrangement of children in which two

particular children are never together will be 720 – 240
ways, i.e. 480 ways.
Example 2:Consider a set having 5 elements a,b,c,d,e. In
how many ways 3 elements can be selected (without
repetition) out of the total number of elements.
Solution: Given X = {a,b,c,d,e}
3 are to be selected.
Therefore, P(5,3) =
= 60
Example 3: It is required to seat 5 men and 4 women in a row so
that the women occupy the even places. How many such
arrangements are possible?
• Solution: We are given that there are 5 men and
4 women.
• there are 9 positions.
• The even positions are: 2nd, 4th, 6th and the 8th
• These four places can be occupied by 4 women in
P(4, 4) ways = 4! 

= 24 ways
The remaining 5 positions can be occupied by 5
men in P(5, 5) = 5! 

= 120 ways
Therefore, by the Fundamental Counting Principle, 
Total number of ways of seating arrangements  

= 24 x 120 

= 2880
Short Quiz:
1. Permutation means,
a. arrangement of objects in which the order does not matter.
b.arrangement of objects in which order matters.
c.selection of objects in which the order matters
2. Which of the following is the correct representation of permutation?
a. rPn b. P(n,r) c. nCr
3. The formula for permutation is,
b. n!/(n-r)! b. n!/(r-n)! c. r!/(n-r)!
4. Calculate P(3,2)
c. 12 b. 8 c. 6
5. 10P5 represents
d. Permutation with 10 choices and 5 positions
e. Permutation with 5 choices and 10 positions
f. Permutation with 5 numbers and 10 operations
1. How many ways are there to order five
books in a shelf?
2. Simplify 10P6.
3. How many ways can we order 6 computers if
we have only space for 3?
4. How many ways can we choose 4 t-shirts
from 6 t-shirts with repetitions allowed?
5. How many 10-digit phone numbers are

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