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Effect of Groundwater Table on the

Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations

Bearing capacity is the maximum load a soil profile can withstand before undergoing excessive
deformation and final shear failure. It is well understood that the depth of the groundwater table
can affect the strength of soils, but a high-water table does not necessarily indicate that the soil is
weak as sometimes misunderstood. However, the presence of groundwater in soils can reduce
the strength due to the way water affects the unit weight of soils and the shear strength
parameters – cohesion (c) and angle of internal friction (ϕ).

If we consider Terzaghi’s general bearing capacity equation;

qult = cNc + γDfNq + 0.5γbNγ —— (1)

We will discover that the equation contains terms for cohesion (c), angle of internal friction (ϕ),
and unit weight of the soil (γ). The bearing capacity factors Nc, Nq, and Nγ depend on the angle of
internal friction. When the soil is submerged, the effective unit weight (γ′) is to be used in the
computation of bearing capacity.

γ′ = γsat – γw —— (2) Where;

γ′ = Effective unit weight of the soil γsat = saturated unit weight of the soil γw = Where is the unit
weight of water

As can be seen from Equation (2), the effective unit weight γ′ is about half the saturated unit
weight; consequently, there will be about 50% reduction in the value of the corresponding term
in the bearing capacity formula. Similarly, the effective stress parameters, c′ and φ′, obtained
from an appropriate test in the laboratory, on a saturated sample of the soil, are to be used. It
should be noted that water also affects the shear strength parameters c′ and φ′ but their effects are
usually so small that they are ignored.

Foundation construction in an area of high-water table

It should be now obvious that the location of the groundwater table and its seasonal fluctuations
have an effect on the bearing capacity of a foundation. If the water table is at a great depth from
the base of the foundation, there will be no effect or reduction in the bearing capacity.

In the design of footings, the minimum depth below the base of the footing at which the water
table is not expected to have an effect on the bearing capacity is set at a value equal to the width
of the footing. This is because the maximum depth of the zone of shear failure below the base is
not expected to exceed this value ordinarily.

However, if the water table is above this level, there will be a reduction in the bearing capacity.
If the water table is at the level of the base of the footing, γ′ is to be used for γ in the third term,
which indicates the contribution of the weight of the soil in the elastic wedge beneath the base of
the footing, since the entire wedge is submerged.

Therefore, three cases are usually considered in the design of footings for the effect of the water

Modification of bearing capacity for water table

Case 1: If the water table is located so that 0 ≤ D1 ≤ Df (water table above the footing level), the
factor q in the bearing capacity equations takes the form;
q = effective surcharge = D1γ + D2(γsat – γw)

Case 2: If the water table is located so that 0 ≤ d ≤ B (water table at footing level or within the
depth d), the factor q in the bearing capacity equations takes the form;
q = effective surcharge = γDf

The factor γ in the last term of the bearing capacity equation will have to be replaced by the

ỹ = γ’ + d/B(γ – γ’)

Case 3: When the water table is located such that d ≥ B, the water table will have no effect on
the bearing capacity.

Worked Example on Effect of Groundwater Table

A footing 2 m square, subjected to a centric vertical load, is located at a depth of 1.0 m below the
ground surface in a deep deposit of compacted sand, φ′ = 30°, and γsat = 19 kN/m3. Determine the
allowable bearing capacity using Terzaghi’s theory when the water table is at;

(a)at 5m below the ground surface

(b)at the ground surface
(c)at the bottom of the base of the footing, and
(d)at 1 m below the base


For a square footing according to Tezarghi’s theory;

qult = γDfNq + 0.4γbNγ

Nq = 22.46
Nγ =19.13

•If the water table is at 5m below the surface, d (4 m) > B (2 m), hence the water table will have
no effect on the bearing capacity;
qult = γDfNq + 0.4γbNγ = (19 × 1 × 22.46) + (0.4 × 19 x 2 x 19.13) = 717.516 kN/m2

•If the water table is at the ground surface; γDf = Df(γsat – γw) = 1m (19 – 9.81) = 9.19 kN/m2 γ′ =
γsat – γw = (19 – 9.81) = 9.19 kN/m3
qult = γDfNq + 0.4γ’bNγ = (9.19 × 22.46) + (0.4 × 9.19 x 2 x 19.13) = 347.05 kN/m 2
(c) If the water table is at the bottom of the footing;
γDf = (1m × 19) = 19 kN/m2
γ′ = γsat – γw = (19 – 9.81) = 9.19 kN/m3
qult = γDfNq + 0.4γ’bNγ = (19 × 22.46) + (0.4 × 9.19 x 2 x 19.13) = 567.38 kN/m 2

(d) If the water table is at 1m below footing;

γDf = (1m × 19) = 19 kN/m2
ỹ = γ’ + d/B(γ – γ’) = 9.19 + [(1/2) × (19 – 9.19)] = 14.095 kN/m3
qult = γDfNq + 0.4ỹbNγ = (19 × 22.46) + (0.4 × 14.095 x 2 x 19.13) = 642.45 kN/m2

From the results above, the following was observed;

(1) When the water table is at the ground surface, the bearing capacity reduces by 51.63%.
(2) When the water table is at the bottom of the footing, the bearing capacity reduces by 20.92%.
(3) When the water table is at 1m below the footing, the bearing capacity reduces by 10.46%.

The water table is the portion between the unsaturated zone (topsoil) and the saturated zone beneath
it. It has no fixed thickness and can vary from season to season. The water table will be high following
a series of severe rainstorms. For example, because it cannot absorb water from heavy rain, granite
bedrock has higher water tables than limestone bedrock. Changes in precipitation across seasons and
years produce fluctuations in the water table level.

Water tables affect the subsurface structural portion of your property. Water can create cracks in the
foundation, leaks, and cause structural damage to the structure. Each structure with a
bottom(basement) room requires thorough waterproofing to avoid a rising water table wreaking havoc
on your basement. Many houses have basements that serve as gaming areas, workshops, or home
offices. Water penetrating the basement destroys objects kept there. Below are some of the
implications of water tables on foundations.

Water tables may influence foundation design. A high-water table could strain the foundation, causing
it to fracture or collapse. If the water table is too high, the foundation may be inadequately supported,
resulting in fracture or collapse.

The depth of groundwater can affect the strength of soils, which is known as the load-bearing capacity
of the subsoil beneath. This is the maximum load a soil profile can withstand before undergoing
excessive deformation and final shear failure. Water affects the weight of soil and the shear
strength(cohesion). When the water table rises to ground level, the ultimate bearing capacity of a
shallow sand foundation drops by 50%. If cohesion is not maintained and the water table rises to the
ground surface, the bearing capacity is decreased by half (i.e., 50%) owing to the soil's submerged unit
The decision of the most suitable foundation should be based on various things as only the soil type
does not imply durability. The depth at which you locate a water supply and sand particles determines
the sort of foundation you utilize. Depending on that, you can decide between a pile and a raft

Cracks in the walls, cave-ins in the foundation as well as misaligned doors and windows could occur. To
avoid cave-ins, dig an excavation sideways or bench it.

If the soil drains efficiently and there is a relatively high water table, it may not be problematic.
However, if the soil is dense and absorbent and the water table is low, the ground around a home may
swell and become saturated. This can exert pressure called the "hydrostatic pressure". This may cause
water to infiltrate through the bottom of the foundation - even permeating solid concrete over time. If
hydrostatic pressure is severe, it could lift certain portions of the foundation out of the ground, but this
is very unlikely. But it could cause shifting of foundation walls and structures like fencing and decks.

Even if ground water does not cause foundation cracking or shifting, it could lead to humidity issues,
resulting in rust, bacteria and mold. Wood structures in a home may be compromised by a high level of

Finally, to reduce the risk of soil shear failure, maintain the soil carrying capacity constant at the
highest average contact pressure between the foundation and the soil. When laying a foundation on a
site with a high-water table, it is vital to address the water level. A shallow foundation or fill will
increase the ground level while keeping the water table from encroaching on the foundation.

The decrease of groundwater level caused by pumping will cause the consolidation of foundation soil
and the uneven settlement of buildings, etc. It can be seen that the change of groundwater level
usually has many adverse effects on buildings. Especially in recent years, with the rapid development of
urban construction

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