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Author : Mutabshera Farooq
1. UX Research Methods
 User Interviews: One-on-one conversations
with users to gather qualitative data about their
needs, behaviors, and attitudes towards a
product or service.
 Surveys: A quantitative research method that
allows you to gather data from a large sample
of users quickly and easily.
 Card Sorting: A technique used to help
understand how users group and organize
 Usability Testing: An observational method
used to evaluate the usability of a product or
service with real users.
 A/B Testing: A method used to compare two
versions of a design to see which one performs
better with users.
 Field Studies: A research method where
researchers observe users in their natural
environment to better understand their
behavior and needs.
 Contextual Inquiry: A technique that involves
observing users while they complete tasks to
gain a better understanding of their goals,
motivations, and pain points.
 Focus Groups: A group discussion method
used to gather qualitative data about users’
attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.
 Expert Reviews: A method that involves
experts evaluating a design to identify usability
issues and offer suggestions for improvement.
 Diary Studies: A research method that involves
participants recording their thoughts,
behaviors, and experiences over a period of
 Cognitive Walkthrough: A technique that
involves walking through a design with users
to identify potential usability issues.
 Participatory Design: A method that involves
users in the design process to ensure the final
product meets their needs.
 Heuristic Evaluation: A method where experts
evaluate a design against a set of predefined
usability principles.
 Eye Tracking: A research method used to
measure where users look on a design and how
long they look at each element.
 Clickstream Analysis: A method that involves
analyzing user behavior on a website to gain
insights into how users interact with the
 Prototype Testing: A research method that
involves testing a rough version of a design to
gather feedback before finalizing the product.
 Web Analytics: A method that involves
analyzing data from website visitors to gain
insights into user behavior.
 Experience Sampling: A research method that
involves asking users to record their
experiences at random intervals throughout the
 Tree Testing: A research method that involves
testing the organization and structure of a
website or app without the distraction of visual
 Multivariate Testing: A method that involves
testing multiple variations of a design to
identify which combination of elements
performs best with users.

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