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Fruit Xandy Jasper Macaraig

Meca Jean Entong

 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a business approach that considers
the social and environmental impact of a company's operations and seeks to
balance economic growth with responsible practices.
 It involves a company taking responsibility for the impact of its actions on
society and the environment, and taking actions to minimize negative
impacts and maximize positive contributions.
 CSR can include environmental sustainability, ethical business practices,
community engagement, diversity and inclusion, and other areas of social and
environmental impact.
Environmental Sustainability
 Environmental sustainability refers to the responsible use of natural
resources that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
 It involves reducing negative impacts on the environment and promoting
sustainable practices. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is a business
approach that considers the social and environmental impact of a
company's operations and seeks to balance economic growth with
responsible practices.
 Environmental sustainability is a key aspect of CSR, as it helps companies
reduce their environmental footprint and contribute to a sustainable future
Examples of integrating environmental sustainability into operations:
 Energy-efficient production processes
 Reducing waste and emissions through recycling and cleaner production
 Using renewable energy sources
 Implementing sustainable supply chain management practices
 Offsetting carbon emissions through investment in renewable energy or
carbon credits.
Benefits of environmental sustainability for companies:
 Improved reputation and brand image
 Increased efficiency and cost savings
 Compliance with environmental regulations
 Attraction and retention of environmentally conscious employees and
Benefits for society:
 Protection of natural resources and ecosystems
 Reduction of pollution and negative environmental impacts
 Contribution to a sustainable future for future generations
 Promotion of sustainable economic growth and development.
Ethical Business Practices
 Ethical business practices refer to the principles and values that guide a
company's behavior and decision-making in regards to moral and social
 It encompasses issues such as fair labor practices, human rights,
transparency, and responsible marketing, among others. CSR (Corporate
Social Responsibility) is a business approach that considers the social and
environmental impact of a company's operations and seeks to balance
economic growth with responsible practices.
 Ethical business practices are an integral part of CSR, as they help
companies to act responsibly and align their practices with their values and
societal expectations.
Examples of ethical business practices:
 Fair labor practices: such as paying fair wages, providing safe working
conditions, and respecting workers' rights
 Transparent supply chain management: ensuring that suppliers and
partners adhere to ethical standards and avoiding practices such as slavery
and child labor
 Responsible marketing: avoiding false or misleading advertising, and being
respectful to different cultures and values
 Environmental sustainability: reducing negative environmental impacts
and promoting sustainable practices
 Respect for human rights: avoiding involvement in practices that violate
human rights, such as discrimination and exploitation
Benefits of ethical business practices for companies:
 Improved reputation and brand image
 Increased customer loyalty and trust
 Attraction and retention of employees who value ethical practices
 Compliance with laws and regulations
 Avoidance of negative publicity and legal consequences.
Benefits for society:
 Promotion of fair labor practices and human rights
 Improved transparency and accountability in business operations
 Reduction of negative social and environmental impacts
 Contribution to a fairer and more sustainable economic system
 Protection of consumers and the public from harmful products or practices.
Community Engagement
 Community engagement refers to the involvement and interaction of a
company with the communities it operates in, aimed at creating positive
social and economic impact.
 It can take various forms, including charitable donations, volunteer work,
and community development programs. CSR (Corporate Social
Responsibility) is a business approach that considers the social and
environmental impact of a company's operations and seeks to balance
economic growth with responsible practices.
 Community engagement is a key aspect of CSR, as it helps companies to
support and give back to the communities they serve and contribute to
sustainable development.
Examples of community engagement:
 Charitable donations: providing financial support to organizations and
causes that benefit the community
 Volunteer work: allowing employees to take time off to volunteer for
community organizations or causes
 Community development programs: initiatives aimed at improving the
quality of life in the communities in which the company operates
 Sponsorship of local events and initiatives
 Collaboration with local organizations and community groups on shared
Benefits of community engagement for companies:
 Improved reputation and brand image
 Increased employee morale and motivation
 Improved relations with local communities and stakeholders
 Increased customer loyalty and trust
Benefits for society:
 Improved quality of life in communities
 Increased support for local organizations and causes
 Contribution to sustainable development and social progress
 Promotion of positive social and economic impact in communities.
Diversity and Inclusion
 Diversity refers to the range of differences among individuals in a group or
organization, including differences in race, ethnicity, gender, age, ability,
sexual orientation, and cultural background.
 Inclusion refers to creating an environment in which all individuals feel
valued, respected, and have equal opportunities to participate and
 CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) encompasses a company's
responsibility to consider the social and environmental impact of its
business practices.
 Promoting diversity and inclusion can align with CSR initiatives by creating
a more equitable and inclusive workplace and society, and reducing
discrimination and prejudice.
Examples of promoting diversity and inclusion in a company:
 Developing and implementing diversity and inclusion policies
 Providing unconscious bias training for employees
 Encouraging diverse representation in leadership positions
 Evaluating supplier diversity
 Fostering a workplace culture that values differences
Benefits of diversity and inclusion for a company:
 Improved decision-making and innovation
 Increased employee satisfaction and retention
 Better understanding and connection to diverse customers
 Enhanced company reputation
Benefits for society:
 Promotes equality and reduces discrimination
 Encourages a more diverse and representative workforce
 Fosters cultural understanding and tolerance
 Helps to break down cultural, social and economic barriers

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