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At the end of this lesson, you are expected to meet the
following learning objectives:
1. Identify the different types of concept paper;
2. Appreciate the essential uses/ purposes of a concept paper;
3. Determine important parts of different concept papers;
4. Write your own concept paper (either novel or project) given
a specific
5. Present your concept paper with infographics.
What is a Concept Paper?
• Proposal
• Starts with the definitions, either ‘formal’ or
‘informal’, of the term or the concepts and proceeds
with an ‘expanded definition and analytic
description of the aspects of the concept if needed.
• It also provides an overview of the project, helps
funding agencies/ experts eliminate proposals that
are likely to be disapproved.
• It helps the writer/ readers save time and effort.
Several Uses/Purposes of a Concept Paper:
• It serves as the basis and foundation for
thesis/project proposal.
• It helps determine whether if the proposal is
• It is used to draw the attention the interest of the
potential funding agencies.
• It is used to gather important feedbacks prior to the
submission of full thesis/project proposal.
• Usually, a concept paper ranges
from 500-2000 words,
• depending on the way you will
explain and justify your thoughts.
Kinds of Concept Paper
• Essay Concept Paper
• Project Proposal Concept Paper,
• Academic Research Concept Paper.
Basic Parts of an Essay Concept Paper:

1. Introduction- It provides the presentation of issues and

questions the writer wants to address in his/her thesis/project

2. Body – It serves as the main section of the concept paper.

This part elaborates the specific claims and important details
about your thesis/project proposal.

3. Conclusion – It reemphasizes the thesis/problem statement.

This part provides the summary of the body of the concept paper.
Rubik’s Cube
The puzzle that is called today the Rubik’s cube is a puzzle that
invented by the Hungarian sculptor and a professor of architecture,
Ernő Rubik in 1974. It was made up of a 3x3 dimension composed
of the colors white, yellow, green, blue, red, and orange. Originally it
was first called the Magic Cube by Rubik. The reason of creating the
cube was to find another way to educate the children and making
them learn in a different perspective. Before the cube was solved it
took several months for him to crack the code of solving it. In the
year 1975 mathematicians where fascinated by the cube and
started to discover the secret on how to solve the cube.
The Rubik’s Cube became so popular around the world
because of its incredibly simplistic design, combined with its
extreme difficulty. With over 43 quintillion different possible
positions on the puzzle, this also added to the challenge of solving
it. It also became popular because people wanted challenge and
when it was first released college professors from all over the
world beginning with Germany in which where it was invented and
spread around the world. The first solution of the cube was
published in 1980 in the magazine Der Spiegel which the people
could understand because many people get stuck in the first or
second slice of the cube. It became a topical interest that was
researched by Albrecht Kunkel.
In the late 90’s different algorithms and solutions
in solving the cube was revealed. Also, the emerged
of the cube from being “just a cube” to a more
fashionable, lighter, and a more beautiful cube
famous brands of the cube are Gan, The Valk, and
many more. Also because of these competitions
emerge with the support of the World Cube
Association (WCA). In the world the title holder for
the faster 3x3 Rubik’s cube solved is Felix Zemdegs
having the time of 4.22 seconds.
Base on researchers solving and learning about the
Rubik’s cube can enhance and gain benefit from it
and the following are improving your reflexes thus
preventing joint pain especially on persons that work
with computer or on-hands works. It can help also
students to be mentally active because it can
replenish the mind and help to breakdown problems
thus prevent stress not only from students also from
other professionals specially the teachers.
Benefit also from faster eye coordination that can
be useful in students when taking notes thus
enabling them not to forget data and also it
prevents the risk of having Alzheimer's disease
because based from doctors the Rubik’s cube and
other puzzle games stimulates the mind that makes
the brain more functional and improves in the long
term your memory. Also give you the urge to look
for the bigger picture in your personal lives.
The Rubik’s cube is not just a toy it was created with a brilliant
mind and upon this creation you are now benefiting. Solving the
cube is difficult but upon this difficulty in the long term will give you
benefits that you will enjoy passively without noticing it. In the
present day you suffer from stress and other things that pressures
you but the solution is just around the four corners having six paces
and colors. “There’s always a way for a solution. There’s always a
way to find something else, something new, something different, or
find the result of your work. If today is not everything is good, it
doesn’t mean tomorrow cannot be better. Depends on you”.
Parts of a Concept Paper for Project Proposal:
1. Cover Page – It contains all the important details about the proponents and title of the project

2. Introduction – It contains the mission/vision of your proposal and the important points that
you want to point out to your readers/possible funding agencies.

3. Rationale/ Background – It refers to the problems/ issues that you want to address as well
as the significance of your project.

4. Project Description – It pertains to the goals and objectives that you want to achieve, and
the methodology that you will be using in the implementation of the project.

5. Project Needs/Costs – This contains the outline of the main budget plan that you will have
to need to utilize your project proposal as well as the justification on how the budget will be
THE PROJECT: Tajikistan:
Building Climate Resilience
in the Pyanj River Basin
A. Rationale
Tajikistan is one of the most vulnerable countries to
climate change in Central Asia. The environmental legacy of
the Soviet central planning, combined with crumbling
infrastructure, increasing feminization of poverty, low debt
sustainability and limited institutional capacity, threaten the
sustainability of Tajikistan‘s economic, social and human
development. Climate projections indicate that Tajikistan will
experience higher temperatures, reduced rainfall and higher
evapotranspiration with an increased frequency
of extreme events such as floods and droughts.
These changes will exacerbate existing
problems, including gender inequality of access
to resources, and pose additional risks to the
achievement of national development priorities.
In addition, Tajikistan has limited technical, human,
institutional and organizational capacity to integrate climate
change risk in its development strategies, policies and
programs. There are significant gaps in the understanding
of the economic, social and ecological implications of
climate change.
C. Investment and Financing Plans
Parts of a Concept Paper for Academic Research:

1. Title Page contains the research title, name of the school, and the proponent/s.
2. Background of Study states the problems and issues that you want the readers
to know and you want to solve.
3. Preliminary Literature Review contains the theoretical framework and related
4. Statement of the Problem gives the objectives/general and specific questions
you want to achieve and answer.
5. Research Methodology involves who the participants of your research will be
as well as the instruments to be used.
6. Timeline simply means the time frame of your research study.
7. Reference lists all the resources that you have used in the paper as well as all
citations needed for important names.
Writing Activity:
Write an essay concept paper based on the thesis proposal outline. Use the
different techniques and ways of giving definition that you learned.
Performance Tasks: Infographics

• Now that you have grasped the important ideas about

writing a concept paper. It’s time to level-up. Now, you will
write either a Project Proposal Concept Paper, An essay
concept paper or an Academic Research Concept Paper
anchored on your chosen topic. Make sure to apply all the
learnings that you gained from the discussions.
• Then, make an infographics for the presentation

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