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Familu Akbar Maulana (19) P1337429422096

Typhoid disease, also known as typhoid fever, is an acute infectious
disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi. The
bacteria are transmitted through food or water contaminated by the feces
of an infected person or by a person who is an asymptomatic carrier of
the bacteria.

Common symptoms of typhoid disease include high

fever that lasts for days, abdominal pain, loss of
appetite, headache, fatigue, diarrhea or constipation,
and skin rash in some patients. Without proper
treatment, the infection can progress to serious
complications such as intestinal bleeding, intestinal
perforation, or inflammation of other organs such as the
liver or heart.
Typhoid disease is generally transmitted through the
consumption of food or drink contaminated with Salmonella
Typhi bacteria. This can occur when drinking water is
contaminated or food is served using contaminated water. In
addition, one can also get infected through direct contact with an
infected person or through contact with objects contaminated by
the feces of an infected person.

Good hygiene practices play a vital role in

preventing typhoid fever. This includes thorough
handwashing, especially before handling food, and
consuming clean and safe water. Vaccines are also
available for typhoid prevention, and they are
recommended for individuals traveling to areas with
a high risk of typhoid infection. We can prevent this
typhoid disease with simple things, such as washing
hands, Avoiding street food, Drinking treated water,
Avoiding raw or uncooked food.
Diagnosis Thypoid

Typhoid fever is diagnosed through laboratory tests. Blood,

urine, and stool samples may be analyzed to identify the
presence of the Salmonella Typhi bacteria or antibodies
produced by the body in response to the infection.

Antibiotics are the primary treatment for typhoid

fever. Commonly prescribed antibiotics include
ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone, and azithromycin. It's
important to complete the full course of antibiotics
as prescribed by a healthcare professional to ensure
complete recovery.
Familu Akbar Maulana (19) P1337429422096

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