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• Muslim believe only in

• Believe on all-powerful • Abrahamic
Allah, who is seen as
God Religions
• Different in lot being all-powerful.
• They believe the •
of ways Believe that the bible has
TRINITY, the oneness been corrupted over the
• More than
of God the Father, centuries and is only
Christ the Son, and the correct in so far as it
Holy Spirit (Ghost) agrees with the Qur’an,
• Bible- inspired word of the holy book that is
God as useful for respected as the word of
teaching and the prophets.
Although the topic sentence
usually begins a paragraph, it
can also be found in the middle
or at the end of the paragraph.
The sentence in which the main idea
of the paragraph is stated.
Qur’an-not a book of history but collection of hymns in praise of
-possesses a rich literary repertoire of its own with the
following distinguishing features:
*it makes effective use of language on the level of words
and phrases
*it contains figures of speech and irony
*it employs a variety of narrative and dramatic techniques
(sound devices, plot, characterization, theme, dramatic
dialogue, etc.) learned in the past lesson.
1.Based on the types of figurative
language that you have learned in
Quarter II, which types are used in the
2.Explain how narrative elements are
used in the selection. Cite examples by
going back to the text.

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