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Step 1: Write a list ingredients you will use in a Step2: write a list of recomendations to eat your dish rich in

dish. Use the dictionary. Iron.

Dish name: Rice with lentils and fish
Main ingredients:
- Eat red meat three time for week.

-Eat fish with Orange juice and spinach.

-Tomate salad
-Eat liver onions with lentils two time for week.
Step 3: Use the information from step1 and step2 and complete your Anemia factsheet.

My name is Estrella Alejandra Salvador

Sosa As students we are very worried
about this healthy problem. This is my
factsheet about Anemia that is low
levels of iron in the body. Body needs
a certain amount of foods rich in iron to
make hemoglobin to be healthy.
( Picture about your dish )

Peru has different products to eat. For example

my mother make “Rice with lentils and I give you 3 reasons to eat my dish: (1 negative )
fish”and its ingredients are: -because it is high in iron .
- Rice
- Lentils -because it is healthy food.
-Tomate salad -because it prevents the anemia.

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