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• Keyword research

Digital marketin
• Title
• Meta dscription

g • H1 To H2 Tag
• URL Optimiztion
• Robots.txt
• Sitemap.xml
• 301 & 302 Redirect
• cononical Tag
• Content Opt
• Image Alt Tag
• Loading Speed Opt
• Schema Markup Code
• Anchor Text
Keyword research
Keywords, also commonly called
search terms, are the words that you
enter into the database search boxes.
An SEO Title tag must contain your target keyword. This
tells both google and searchers that your web page is
relevent to this research query. Beside, Searcher are muh
more likely to click on a web page if they see thee exact
keyword or keyord phrase they just typed in the title.
Meta Description
A meta description tag generally informs and interests users with
a short, relevent summary of what a particular page is about.
H1 Tag
The <h1> to <h6> tags are used to define
HTML headings. <h1> defines the most
important heading. <h6> defines the least
important heading. Note: Only use one
<h1> per page - this should represent the
main heading/subject for the whole page.
Also, do not skip heading levels - start
with <h1> , then use <h2> , and so on.
URL Optimization
It is a process/technique in which we refine the URL structure of
the website/blog page to make the web page more easily
accessible to users and search engine crawlers.
A robots.txt file tells search
engine crawlers which URLs the
crawler can access on your site.
This is used mainly to avoid
overloading your site with
requests; it is not a mechanism
for keeping a web page out of
A sitemap is a file where you provide information about
the pages, videos, and other files on your site, and the
relationships between them.
301 & 302 Redirect
301 redirect indicates that a page has
permanently moved to a new location, a
302 redirect means that the move is only
Cononical Tag
a small piece of HTML code that helps search engines
to determine the “main” version of the page from the
rest of the pages that are identical or very similar to it.
Content Optimization

Content optimization is the process of making sure content

is written in a way that it can reach the largest possible
target audience.
Image Alt Tag
The ALT tag contains the alternative
text for an image or a visual on a web
Loading Speed Optimization
What is page speed optimization? Page speed optimization
means improving the loading time of web pages. This is done by
serving less files, and making sure the files are as light as
possible, without cutting into the quality or functionality of a web
page's web design.
Schema Markup Code
schema markup is a code in the form of structured data that
communicates the meaning of your page, elements, and how
users should see it to the searching tool, and in a language, the
search engine can understand.
Anchor Text
“anchor text” refers
to a snippet of
clickable text that
takes a user to a web

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