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How would you know if what you’re reading is true?

How would you know if Wikipedia can be trusted?

Most of you probably don’t notice, but Wikipedia,
other encyclopedias, and research papers all have
their means of showing you that what you’re
reading is factual. Let’s study the example on the
next slide:
We live at an age where everything published
online can look real even when it’s not. We live at
the height of information technology but
ironically, fake news is more widespread than ever.
This is the reason why citations are important.
1. To improve your argument

If you’re having an important argument with someone, it

is always better to have PROOF that what you’re saying
is right.
2. It’s necessary for SHS and college

Once you get to SHS and college, you will be asked to

accomplish RESEARCH PAPERS (thesis). Learning
how to make citations is part of the research paper.
3. To avoid fake news

Social media is filled with FAKE NEWS. You need to

know how to look for references to know if a particular
news is something that you should believe in.
4. Crime prevention

The two most common crime related to writing is

PLAGIARISM and LIBEL. Plagiarism is when something you
published was copied from somewhere else. Libel is when you
write something bad about someone without any proof or
references, such as what happened in the case of the journalist
Maria Ressa of Rappler.

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