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Group 1:
1. Zelikah Azzahra (372022002)
2. Aulia Susan Fransiska F (372022010)
3. Yusra Ulandari (372022001)
4. M. Daffa Ghazan Alfaeza (372022003)
5. Diva Vatiaza Hendri (372022004)
6. Anggi Pabela (372022005)
7. Demaz Bayu Adrian (372022006)
8. Weam Kisa Ulandari (372022007)
Parallel structure
(also called parallelism)
■ Is the repetition of a chosen grammatical form within a sentence. By making each
compared item or idea in your sentence follow the same grammatical pattern, you create
a parallel construction. Example Not Parallel: Ellen likes hiking, the rodeo, and to take
afternoon naps.
Paired conjunctions (or correlative conjunctions) – both…and,
either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also – join 2 things. Each
of these four has its own usage.

■ Both … and: The first of the paired conjunctions – both … and – connects 2 positive things, such as noun
subjects, noun objects, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, and other words. You must only
connect things that are the same. The first part of the pair (both) can be dropped with no change in meaning.
■ Examples: Both her mother and her sisters want her to marry a rich man.Her mother and her sisters want her
to marry a rich man.

■ I like both apples and oranges.

■ I like apples and oranges.

■ She both skis and snowboards.

■ She skis and snowboards.
Can an independent clause have a
coordinating conjunction?
■ There are two types of words Joining two independent
that can be used as connectors clauses with a coordinating
at the beginning of an conjunction creates a
independent clause: compound sentence.
coordinating conjunctions and Examples: I like football, and
independent marker words. I like hockey. The directions
The seven coordinating are complicated, but I am
conjunctions used as starting to understand them.
connecting words at the
beginning of an independent
clause are and, but, for, or,
nor, so, and yet.
Can an independent clause have a
coordinating conjunction?
■ There are two types of words that can be used as connectors at
the beginning of an independent clause: coordinating
conjunctions and independent marker words. The seven
coordinating conjunctions used as connecting words at the
beginning of an independent clause are and, but, for, or, nor,
so, and yet.
Any Questions?

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