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Second Conditional

grammatical structure and use of the second conditional

Second conditional
• The second conditional can be used for situations that the speaker
considers unlikely to happen in the future.
• It is also used to talk about situations that are not true at the present time.
For example, If I had time, I would go swimming every day.
• If the spider were smaller, I wouldn’t have fear. – Si la araña fuera más
pequeña, yo no tendría miedo.
• If I had money, I would not spend it on a trip around the world. – Si
tuviera dinero, no lo gastaría en un viaje alrededor del mundo.
• If I were you, I would accept that job opportunity. – Si yo fuera tú,
aceptaría esa oportunidad laboral.
• I hadn't lost all my money, I would've been very unhappy.
• If you hadn't phoned me before you came, you would've found me at
• I would go to work if I weren't sick.
• What would you do if you were in my shoes? – ¿Qué harías si estuvieras
en mi situación?

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