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The Circumference of a Circle

How many times does the diameter fit around

the circumference? Choose your number.

1 1½ 2 2½ 3 3½ 4



3 Circumference (C)
Circles – Area and Perimeter

2 cm 2 cm

1 cm
2 cm 2 cm 2 cm

1 cm
2 cm 2 cm 2 cm

1 cm

Perimeter Perimeter Circumference is

between 6 cm and 8 cm
= 4 × 2 cm = 6 × 1 cm
= 8 cm = 6 cm
d d d


Perimeter Perimeter Circumference is

between 3d and 4d
= 4 × d = 6 × ½d
= 4d = 3d
The Circumference of a Circle
How many times does the diameter fit around the


Circumference (C)
The Circumference of a Circle
How many times does the diameter fit around
the circumference? Choose your number.

1 1½ 2 2½ 3 3½ 4

1 C  31 d
d 7

2 C  d
7 In terms of the radius:
radius CC=?

3 Circumference (C)

 = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679..........
The Circumference of a Circle

It’s the same for all circles!

The Circumference of a Circle
C = d
Find the circumference of the following circles.
C = 2r
1 2
8 cm
9.5 cm
The Circumference of a Circle
C = d
Find the circumference of the following circles.
C = 2r
1 2
8 cm
9.5 cm

C = d
C=  x 8 C = d
C = 25.1 cm (1 dp) C=  x 9.5
C = 29.8 cm (1 dp)
The Circumference of a Circle
C = d
Find the circumference of the following circles.
C = 2r

3 4

3 mm

2.1 m
The Circumference of a Circle
C = d
Find the circumference of the following circles.
C = 2r

3 4

3 mm

2.1 m

C = 2r
C = 2r C=2xx3
C = 2 x  x 2.1 C = 18.8 mm (1 dp)

C = 13.2 m (1 dp)
Find the circumference of the tyre and steering wheel.

7.5 cm

23 cm C = 2r
C = 2 x  x 7.5
C = d
C = 47.1 cm (1 dp)
C=  x 23
C = 72.3 cm (1 dp)
The Circumference of a Circle
C = d
Find the perimeter of the following semi-circles.
C = 2r
1 2
8 cm
9.5 cm

Perimeter = ½d + d Perimeter = ½d + d

=½xx8+8 = ½ x  x 9.5 + 9.5
= 20.6 cm (1 dp) = 24.4 cm (1 dp)
The Circumference of a Circle
C = d
Find the perimeter of the ¼ and ¾ circles.
C = 2r
3 4

6 cm 8.5 cm

Perimeter = ¼(2r) + 2r Perimeter = ¾(2r) + 2r

=¼x2xx6+2x6 = ¾ x 2 x  x 8.5 + 2 x 8.5
= 21.4 cm (1 dp) = 57.1 cm (1 dp)
The Circumference of a Circle
C = d
Find the diameter/radius of the following circles.
C = 2r
5 6

C = 25 cm find the diameter.

C = 30 cm find the radius.

d = 25 2r = 30
d = 25/ r = 30/(2)
d = 8.0 cm (1 dp) r = 4.8 cm (1 dp)
Area of a parallelogram
How can we calculate the area of this parallelogram?

6 cm

5 cm 7 cm
5c 5c
m m

9 cm
The Area of a Circle

4 Sectors
The Area of a Circle


4 Sectors
The Area of a Circle

8 Sectors
The Area of a Circle


8 Sectors
The Area of a Circle

16 Sectors
The Area of a Circle


16 Sectors
As the number of sectors  , the
transformed shape becomes more
and more like a rectangle. What will
the dimensions eventually become?

C = 2πr


? πr

32 Sectors

A = πr x r = πr2
The Area of a Circle
A = r2
Find the area of the following circles.

1 2
8 cm

9.5 cm

A = r2
A =  x 82 A = r2
A = 201.1 cm2 (1 dp) A =  x 9.52
A = 283.5 cm2 (1 dp)
The Area of a Circle
A = r2
Find the area of the following circles.

3 4
6 mm
2.4 m

A = r2
A =  x 32 A = r2
A = 28.3 mm2 (1 dp) A =  x 1.22
A = 4.5 m2 (1 dp)
Find the area of the clock face and radar screen.
A = r2

12 cm

60 cm
A = r2
A = r2
A =  x 122
A =  x 302
A = 452.4 cm2 (1 dp)
A = 2827 cm2 (nearest cm2)
The Area of a Circle
A = r2
Find the radius/diameter of the following circles.

5 6

A = 25 cm2 find the diameter.

A = 30 cm2 find the radius. r2 = 25
r2 = 30
r2 = 25/
r2 = 30/
r = (25/)
r = (30/)
r = 2.82
r = 3.1 cm 1dp
d = 2 x 2.82 = 5.6 cm 1dp
The Area of a Circle
A = r2
Find the area of the following semi-circles.

1 2
8 cm
9.5 cm

A = ½r2 A = ½r2
= ½ x  x 42 = ½ x  x 4.752
= 25.1 cm2 (1 dp) = 35.4 cm2 (1 dp)
The Area of a Circle
A = r2
Find the area of the ¼ and ¾ circles.

3 4

6 cm 8.5 cm

A = ¼r2 A = ¾r2
= ¼ x  x 62 = ¾ x  x 8.52
= 28.3 cm2 (1 dp) = 170.2 cm2 (1 dp)
Arcs and sectors

An arc is a part of the

sector When an arc is

bounded by two radii
a sector is
Finding the length of an arc
What is the length of arc AB?

The arc length is 14 of the
circumference of the circle.
6 cm
This is because,
90° 1
360° 4
Length of arc AB = 4 × 2πr
= 1 × 2π × 6

Length of arc AB = 9.42 cm (to 2 d.p.)

Finding the length of an arc

r θ

For any circle with radius r and angle at the centre θ,

θ This is the
Arc length AB = × 2πr
360 circumference
2πrθ πrθ of the circle.
Arc length AB = =
360 180
Calculate the lengths of the minor and major arcs in
2 case (to 1 dp)
1 3
O O O 2.3
75o 9 88cm
cm o cm

Minor arc = Minor arc = 8.1 Minor arc = 3.5

11.8 cm
Major arc = cm
Major arc = cm
Major arc =
44.8 cm 10.7 cm 10.9 cm
4 5 6
O O m
130 1.3 312
7 o m o o

Minor arc = Minor arc = 3.3 Minor arc = 2.0
15.9 cm
Major arc = m
Major arc = 4.9 m
Major arc =
Finding the area of a sector

r θ

For any circle with radius r and angle at the centre θ,

θ This is the
Area of sector AOB = × πr2
360 area of the
πr2θ circle.
Area of sector AOB =
Calculate the minor and major sector areas in each
1 2case (to 1 dp) 3
O O O 2.3
75o 9 88cm
cm o cm

Minor sector = 53.0 Minor sector = Minor sector =

cm2 sector =
Major 12.2 cm
Major sector
= 4.1 cmsector
Major 2
201.5 cm2 16.1 cm2 12.6 cm2
4 5 6
O O m
130 1.3 312
7 o m o o

Minor sector = Minor sector = Minor sector =
55.6 cm
Major sector
= 2.1 m2sector =
Major 2.4 m2sector =
Find the perimeter of these shapes on a cm square grid:


The perimeter of this shape is made from 40° 1

three semi-circles. =
360° 9
1 ×π×6+ 1 × π × 12 +
Perimeter = 2 Perimeter = 9
1 ×π×4+ 1 ×π×6+
2 9
1 ×π×2 3+3
= 6π cm = 2π + 6
= 18.85 cm (to 2 d.p.) = 12.28 cm (to 2 d.p.)
The area of shapes made from
Find the area of these shapes on a cm square grid:


40° 1
Area = 1 × π × 32 + =
2 360° 9
1 × π × 12 – 1
2 Area = × π × 62 –
1 × π × 22 1 × π × 42
= 3π cm2
=1 × π × 20 cm2
= 9.42 cm (to 2 d.p.)
= 6.98 cm2 (to 2 d.p.)

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