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Area of a Circle

In the diagram, six circles of equal size touch adjacent circles and the
sides of the large rectangle.

Each of the corners of the small rectangle is the centre of one of the
large circles.

The perimeter of the small rectangle is 60cm.

What is the perimeter of the large rectangle?

Area of a parallelogram

A 20 cm² B 45 cm²
C 180 cm² D 36 cm²
A 80 cm² B 20 cm²
C 100 cm² D 18 cm²
The Circumference of a Circle
How many times does the diameter fit around the


Circumference (C)
The Circumference of a Circle
How many times does the diameter fit around
the circumference? Choose your number.

1 1½ 2 2½ 3 3½ 4

1 C  31 d
d 7

2 C  d
7 In terms of the radius:
radius CC=?

3 Circumference (C)

 = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679..........
The Circumference of a Circle

It’s the same for all circles!

Find the circumference of the tyre and steering wheel.

7.5 cm

23 cm C = 2r
C = 2 x  x 7.5
C = d
C = 47.1 cm (1 dp)
C=  x 23
C = 72.3 cm (1 dp)
The Circumference of a Circle
C = d
Find the diameter/radius of the following circles.
C = 2r
5 6

C = 25 cm find the diameter.

C = 30 cm find the radius.

d = 25 2r = 30
d = 25/ r = 30/(2)
d = 8.0 cm (1 dp) r = 4.8 cm (1 dp)
The Area of a Circle

4 Sectors
The Area of a Circle


4 Sectors
The Area of a Circle

8 Sectors
The Area of a Circle


8 Sectors
The Area of a Circle

16 Sectors
The Area of a Circle


16 Sectors
As the number of sectors  , the
transformed shape becomes more
and more like a rectangle. What will
the dimensions eventually become?

C = 2πr


? πr

32 Sectors

A = πr x r = πr2
The Area of a Circle
A = r2
Find the area of the following circles.

1 2
8 cm

9.5 cm

A = r2
A =  x 82 A = r2
A = 201.1 cm2 (1 dp) A =  x 9.52
A = 283.5 cm2 (1 dp)
The Area of a Circle
A = r2
Find the area of the following circles.

3 4
6 mm
2.4 m

A = r2
A =  x 32 A = r2
A = 28.3 mm2 (1 dp) A =  x 1.22
A = 4.5 m2 (1 dp)
Find the area of the clock face and radar screen.
A = r2

12 cm

60 cm
A = r2
A = r2
A =  x 122
A =  x 302
A = 452.4 cm2 (1 dp)
A = 2827 cm2 (nearest cm2)
The Area of a Circle
A = r2
Find the radius/diameter of the following circles.

5 6

A = 25 cm2 find the diameter.

A = 30 cm2 find the radius. r2 = 25
r2 = 30
r2 = 25/
r2 = 30/
r = (25/)
r = (30/)
r = 2.82
r = 3.1 cm 1dp
d = 2 x 2.82 = 5.6 cm 1dp
The Area of a Circle
A = r2
Find the area of the following semi-circles.

1 2
8 cm
9.5 cm

A = ½r2 A = ½r2
= ½ x  x 42 = ½ x  x 4.752
= 25.1 cm2 (1 dp) = 35.4 cm2 (1 dp)
The Area of a Circle
A = r2
Find the area of the ¼ and ¾ circles.

3 4

6 cm 8.5 cm

A = ¼r2 A = ¾r2
= ¼ x  x 62 = ¾ x  x 8.52
= 28.3 cm2 (1 dp) = 170.2 cm2 (1 dp)
Arcs and sectors

An arc is a part of the

sector When an arc is

bounded by two radii
a sector is
Finding the length of an arc
What is the length of arc AB?

The arc length is 14 of the
circumference of the circle.
6 cm
This is because,
90° 1
360° 4
Length of arc AB = 4 × 2πr
= 1 × 2π × 6

Length of arc AB = 9.42 cm (to 2 d.p.)

Finding the length of an arc

r θ

For any circle with radius r and angle at the centre θ,

θ This is the
Arc length AB = × 2πr
360 circumference
2πrθ πrθ of the circle.
Arc length AB = =
360 180
Calculate the lengths of the minor and major arcs in
2 case (to 1 dp)
1 3
O O O 2.3
75o 9 88cm
cm o cm

Minor arc = Minor arc = 8.1 Minor arc = 3.5

11.8 cm
Major arc = cm
Major arc = cm
Major arc =
44.8 cm 10.7 cm 10.9 cm
4 5 6
O O m
130 1.3 312
7 o m o o

Minor arc = Minor arc = 3.3 Minor arc = 2.0
15.9 cm
Major arc = m
Major arc = 4.9 m
Major arc =
Finding the area of a sector

r θ

For any circle with radius r and angle at the centre θ,

θ This is the
Area of sector AOB = × πr2
360 area of the
πr2θ circle.
Area of sector AOB =
Calculate the minor and major sector areas in each case (to 1 dp)

1 2 3
O O O 2.3 cm
3 cm
9 cm 155o 88o
75 o

Minor sector = 53.0 cm2 Minor sector = 12.2 cm2 Minor sector = 4.1 cm2

Major sector = 201.5 cm2 Major sector = 16.1 cm2 Major sector = 12.6 cm2

4 5 6
2.4 m
130o 1.3 m
215o 312o
7 cm

Minor sector = 55.6 cm2 Minor sector = 2.1 m2 Minor sector = 2.4 m2
Major sector = 98.3 cm2 Major sector = 3.2 m2 Major sector = 15.7 m2
Find the perimeter of these shapes on a cm square grid:


The perimeter of this shape is made from 40° 1

three semi-circles. =
360° 9
1 ×π×6+ 1 × π × 12 +
Perimeter = 2 Perimeter = 9
1 ×π×4+ 1 ×π×6+
2 9
1 ×π×2 3+3
= 6π cm = 2π + 6
= 18.85 cm (to 2 d.p.) = 12.28 cm (to 2 d.p.)
The area of shapes made from
Find the area of these shapes on a cm square grid:


40° 1
Area = 1 × π × 32 + =
2 360° 9
1 × π × 12 – 1
2 Area = × π × 62 –
1 × π × 22 1 × π × 42
= 3π cm2
=1 × π × 20 cm2
= 9.42 cm (to 2 d.p.)
= 6.98 cm2 (to 2 d.p.)

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