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UNIT 3 part


• Instruction sequencing
– The order in which the instructions in a program are
carried out is known as instruction sequencing.
– Normally the sequence proceeds in a linear fashion
through the program, and the address of the instructions
is obtained from the program counter in the control unit.
– This sequence is interrupted when a branch instruction is
executed; at such a time the address field of the branch
instruction is inserted into the program counter and the
process continues.
Instruction Sequencing and Execution

• Execution of instruction is a two-step

procedure. In the first step, the instruction is
fetched from memory. In the second step, the
instruction is executed.
• First Step-> Instruction Fetch
First Step-> Instruction Fetch
• The processor has a register named program
counter which has the address of the
instruction that has to be executed next.
• To start the execution of a program, the address
of first instruction has to be placed in the
program counter.
• After the address of first instruction is placed in
the program counter, the processor uses this
address to fetch the first instruction.
• As soon as the first instruction is fetched the
content in program counter is incremented by
the word length (the group of n bits that can
store a single, basic instruction) i.e. now, it has
the address of next successive instruction to
be executed.
• After fetching the instruction from memory
location it is placed in the instruction register
of the processor.
Second Step -> Instruction execution
• In the second step, the processor examines the instruction
present in the instruction register and find out which
operation has to be performed.
• It first fetches the operands involved in the instruction from
the memory or processor register. Then the processor
performs the arithmetic and logical operation and stores the
result in the destination location mention in the instruction.
• During this time the content of program counter is
incremented so that it could point next instruction for
execution. This execution of instructions in increasing order
of addresses is straight line sequencing.
• Interpreter (Computing):
– In computer science, an interpreter is a computer
program that directly executes instructions written in a
programming or scripting language, without requiring
them previously to have been compiled into a machine
language program.
– An interpreter generally uses one of the following
strategies for program execution
• Parse the source code and perform its behavior directly;
• Translate source code into some efficient intermediate
representation and immediately execute this;
• Early versions of Lisp (Locator / Identifier Separation Protocol)
programming language and minicomputer and microcomputer BASIC
dialects would be examples of the first type.
• Perl, Python, MATLAB, and Ruby are examples of the second, while
UCSD Pascal is an example of the third type.
• Source programs are compiled ahead of time and stored as machine
independent code, which is then linked at run-time and executed by an
interpreter and/or compiler (for JIT systems).
• Some systems, such as Smalltalk and contemporary versions of BASIC
and Java may also combine two and three.
• Interpreters of various types have also been constructed for many
languages traditionally associated with compilation, such as Algol,
Fortran, Cobol, C and C++.
• While interpretation and compilation are the two main
means by which programming languages are
implemented, they are not mutually exclusive, as most
interpreting systems also perform some translation work,
just like compilers.
• The terms "interpreted language" or "compiled language"
signify that the canonical implementation of that
language is an interpreter or a compiler, respectively.
• A high level language is ideally an abstraction
independent of particular implementations.
• Types of Interpreters:
– Bytecode interpreters
– Threaded code interpreters
– Abstract syntax tree interpreters
– Just-in-time compilation
– Self-interpreter

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