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What is the verb? Sing
The verb is the part of the sentence Run
that expresses an action, Cry
movement, existence, achievement, Eat
condition or state of the subject.
Most verbs provide key Paint
information about the subject of a PEDRO
sentence and are central to the
sentence's predicate.
Regular Verbs EXAMPLE
• Maria accepts the award on his behalf.
• Maria accepted the award on his behalf.
• Maria will accept the award on his behalf.
Regular verbs are a form of verbs
that follow the normal rules of

Irregular Verb • I have a lot of work to do.

Unlike regular verbs, irregular • Did you complete the work?

verbs do not follow the normal
rules of conjugation to form their • The work was done.
past, past participle, or future tense
Transitive Verb
A transitive verb is a verb that
requires a direct object, which is a
noun, pronoun, or noun phrase.


• Miriam borrowed the methodology book from

her classmate because she forgot her copy.
• Can you bring your copy of the textbook to our
study group meeting?
• Donovan gave the gift to his sister.
Intransitive Verb
An intransitive verb is not used
with a direct object.

• The patient’s health deteriorated quickly.

• Ahmad voted in the local election.
• May I sit here?
• Attendance increased at the weekly study
sessions as finals drew near.
Action Verb
Action verbs, also called dynamic verbs, express an action whether it be
physical or mental.
An action verb explains what the subject of the sentence is doing or has done .
Action verb Unscramble the words Unscramble the action verb
vocabulary and number the pectures
- I ……… when I am hungry.
- She ……….. dinner last night at six.
- We ……… lunch tomorrow at noon
- We ……… when it is hot outside.
- Last week, we ……….. in the pool.
-We ………………………. at the lake next
- The baby ………….  in the nursery.
-She …………….. all night.
-We ……………………….. in tents at
summer camp.
Finite and Nonfinite Verbs
Verbs which have the past or the present form are called FINITE verbs.
Verbs in any other form (infinitive, -ing, or -ed) are called NONFINITE verbs.
This means that verbs with tense are finite, and verbs without tense are nonfinite.
The distinction between finite and nonfinite verbs is a very important one in grammar, since it
affects how verbs behave in sentences .

It took courage to continue after the accident

Leave immediately when you are asked to do so
Leaving home can be very traumatic
 In each of the following sentences, indicate whether the highlighted verb is finite or nonfinite
finiteVerbs that act as nouns


Surfing is great fun.

Sofia was tired of waiting.
David likes sitting under the tree.
finite Verbs that act as nouns

Participles past vs present

• Yaneli threw a coin in the wishing well
• She handed a warmed blanket to the patient
• The team is playing on Friday
• The teacher was marking the exams
• I have decided to leave.
To + verb base form Infinitives
……… to swim
………to know

• Rober planned to tavel to unitet states

• The best time to visit is summer
• Karo wants to become a chef
Finite Non-Finite
-Change form
-Show tense
or -do not Change form
-do not Show tense

• Running by the pool is not allowed

• The crying bady finally fell asleep.
• Brants failed to pass the course.
• Wrinting poems helps lindsey relax.
• Astrid is releasing a new álbum next week
Stative Verbs
In English there are some verbs called STATIVE VERBS, these are not used in the present continuous
tense or PRESENT CONTINUOUS since they generally do not represent an action, but rather
represent a state, therefore they should only be used in the PRESENT SIMPLE tense

For example, the verbs KNOW, LIKE and SEEM are stative verbs
and these cannot be used in the present continuous tense
I know the person Love
I am knowing the person
I like pizza
I am liking pizza Prefer
She is seeming sad Want
I always forget to go Need
I am always forgetting to go Care
Meaning: Principal verbs are those verbs that
express action by themselves.

For example:

The farmer ploughed the fields.

The bird sings beautifully.
Auxiliary Verb
Auxiliary verbs are "be," "have" and "do" in all their
forms, But there are also a few other auxiliary verbs
called modal auxiliary verbs. Let’s look at both types
of auxiliary verbs.
Verbs that are physical actions which you can see someone doing can be used in all forms and with all tenses.


Linking Verbs Linking verb

Linking verbs connects the subject

of a sentence to a noun or adjective, Mary is intelligent.
that renames or describes the
subject. This noun or adjective is
called the subject complement.

Subject Linking verb Subject

Some words are always linking Linking and actin verbs

TO BE • To feel
Mary is intelligent. • To appear
• To remain
• To smell
• To stay
• To sound
TO BECOME She became a journalist. • To grow
• To continue
• To prove
• To look
TO SEEM John seems sad.
Which of the sentences is has the
linking verb and which is an
action verb?

I smell the flowers.

Linking verb

The flowers smell lovely

Ergative Verbs
An ergative verb is a verb that can
be both transitive and intransitive,
where the subject of the intransitive
verb is the same as the object of the
transitive verb.

EXAMPLE, 'open' is an ergative

verb because you can say:

'The door opened' or 'She opened

the door'.
Phrasal Verbs
A phrase (such as take off or look
down on) that combines a verb with
a preposition or adverb or both and
that functions as a verb whose
meaning is different from the
combined meanings of the
individual words.

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