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Addition of Numbers

with and without

Why is it important that we can add

When and why do we need addition in our

everyday life?
● Addition is the process of putting numbers together to get a
new total.
● The numbers to be added together are called the "Addends”.
● The answer in addition is called “Sum”.

Addends Sum
Common Mistake no.1
• Not lining up your numbers by place value.
Example: 6,781 6,781
+10,955 + 10,955
Wrong 10,6331 17,736
answer answer

* Line up the numbers involved NEATLY and CLEARLY

by place value.
Common Mistake no.2
• Forgetting to carry over by NOT writing it down.
Example: 3,909 3,909
+4,524 +4,524
Wrong 7,423 Correct8,433
answer answer
* Always write-down what you are carrying over rather
than just doing it in your head.
Addition without
Try this:

22 Add the ones.

Regroup if
+36 needed.

Add the tens.

Try this:
Add the ones.
2 2 20 + 2 Regroup if
+ 3 6 30 + 6 Add the tens.

5 8 50 + 8 = 58
Addition without regrouping
• Add Ones • Add Tens • Add Hundreds
835, 350 835, 350 835, 350
+ 134, 235 + 134, 235 + 134, 235
5 85 585
• Add Thousands • Add Ten thousands• Add Hundred thousan

835, 350 835, 350 835, 350

+ 134, 235 + 134, 235 + 134, 235
9 585 69 585 969 585
Try these:
a. 235, 091 b. 310, 217
+ 43, 906 + 265, 431

c. 1, 349, 208 d. 111, 413

+ 6, 420, 591 372, 065
+ 504, 420
with regrouping
Add the ones.
423 Regroup if needed

+157 Add the tens

58 0 Add the hundreds

Addition with regrouping
• Add Ones • Add Tens • Add Hundreds
1 1
834, 350 834, 350 834, 350
+ 234, 755 + 234, 755 + 234, 755
5 05 105
• Add Thousands • Add Ten thousands• Add Hundred thousan

1 1
834, 350 834, 350 834, 350
+ 234, 755 + 234, 755 + 234, 755
9 105 69 105 1 069 585
Try these:
a. 505, 814 b. 6, 719, 342
+ 495, 396 + 3, 582, 729

c. 145, 078 d. 4, 953, 128

371, 923 3, 241, 754
+ 624, 155 + 9, 317, 492
Commutative Property
Associative Property
Identity Property
Commutative Property
Changing the order of the numbers in addition or
multiplication will not change the result/sum.
Commutative Property
Commutative Property of Addition states: 4 + 5
23 + 5 = 5 + 23
Commutative Property
Associative Property
Identity Property
Associative Property
Changing the grouping of the numbers in addition
or multiplication will not change the result.
Associative Property of Addition states:
(2 + 3) + 4 = 2 + (3 + 4)
(12 + 8) + 7 = 12 + (8 + 7)
Commutative Property
Associative Property
Identity Property
Identity Property
 Zero is the only number you can add to something
and see no change.

76 + 0 =
76 + 0 = 0 + 76

(9 + 8) + 7 = 9 + (8 + 7)
The Associative Property of Addition
It is the only addition property that has
12 + 0 = 12
The Identity Property of Addition

It is the only addition property that has two

addends and one of them is a zero.
The Commutative Property of Addition

It is the only addition property that has

numbers that change places.
The Commutative Property of Addition

Numbers change places.

(4 + 3) + 2 = 4 + (3 + 2)
The Associative Property of Addition

It has parentheses!
The Identity Property of Addition

See the zero?

Fill in the blanks and write the property
of addition in each equation.
1. 34 + ( 450 + 20) = (34 + ___ ) + 20
2. 350 + ___ = 350
3. 1,290 + 10 = ___ + 1,290
4. (670 + 3,890) + ____ = 670 + (3,890 + 100)
5. ____ + 98, 500 = 98, 500 + 6,005
If you are not willing to learn,
no one can help you.
If you are determined tpo learn
no one can stop you.

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