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Writing the Scope and

Delimitation and
Definition of Terms
What is the Scope and Delimitation?

⮚The scope and the delimitation describe

the parameters to which the study is set.
⮚It sets the boundaries of your research in
terms of certain aspects.
The components of the Scope and Delimitation includes
(but not limited):

✔Topic of the study

✔Objectives of the study and the issues it will address

✔Time and frame in which the study will be conducted

✔The locale or area where the study will be conducted

✔Characteristics of the participants in the study (age, sex, education,

economic status, civil status and other traits)
✔Response formats used in the study (if applicable)
The scope and delimitation of the study must not be set merely
for the sake of writing them.

You must make sure that there are reasons for the inclusion
and exclusion of some variables.

These reasons vary depending on the nature of the study.

You may choose to delimit the participants due to large

population or due to time constraints
You may use the following phrases when writing
this section:

1.The study covers. . .

2.The study focuses on. . .
3.The coverage of this study. . .
4.This study is limited to. . .
5.This study does not cover. . .
Read the following Scope and Delimitation section of a paper.
Improve its content and structure. You may add some details
when revising the text. Use the template in you Google classroom.


The current study aims to determine the relationship
between smoking and weight. Only 100 senior high school
students were included as participants. They were selected
from schools in Iloilo City. The experiment lasted for three
months. Those who obtained failing grades were excluded from
the study.
Definition of Terms

• Terms must be defined for clearer understanding

• Technical terms and terms used in the study may have different
• To avoid misinterpretations, terms must be defined
• These terms can be found in the research title, statement of the
problem, assumptions, hypothesis, research paradigm and some
other parts of the study
• A term may be defined lexically, authoritatively, or operationally
• If term is lexically or authoritatively defined, it must be cited
Guidelines for Definitions of Terms
1. There must be an introductory sentence/paragraph before starting defining a
2. Terms may be arranged alphabetically or according to their importance or
use in the study. Refer to institutional policy
3. Always indent the terms
4. Emphasize the terms to be defined either by bold print, underlining or italics.
Refer to institutional policy
5. If the term to be defined is followed by a dash, period, or no punctuation, a
consistent format must be followed all throughout.
6. Do not number the terms
7. Do not capitalize the terms, only the first letter

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