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It is the inflammation of mucus membrane,

lining the nasal sinuses.

a)Nasal sinusitis
b)Pan sinusitis
d)Chronic rhinitis
Inflammation of nasal mucous membrane.

a)Chronic rhinitis
b)Nasal sinusitis
c)Pan sinusitis
Which sinus is most frequently affected in

a)Frontal sinus
b)Maxillary sinus
c)Sphenoidal sinus
d)Ethmoidal sinus
What is pan sinusitis….?

a)Infection of all four of paranasal sinuses.

b)Infection of maxillary sinus
c)Infection of frontal sinus
d)None of above
Following is the complication of nasal sinusitis

a)Middle ear infection

b)Asthma exaggeration
d)All of above
SWD placement for frontal sinusitis

a)One electrode on lateral part of forehead and

another side of face high on chick.
b)One electrode on lateral part of cheek and
another on opposite side of face below the
angle of jaw
c)One electrode over the lateral part of forehead
and other on opposite side of face below the
angle of jaw.
SWD placement for maxillary sinusitis

a)One electrode on lateral part of forehead and

another side of face high on chick.
b)One electrode on lateral part of cheek and
another on opposite side of face below the
angle of jaw
c)One electrode over the lateral part of forehead
and other on opposite side of face below the
angle of jaw.
SWD placement for Ethmoidal sinusitis

a)One electrode on lateral part of forehead and

another side of face high on chick.
b)One electrode on lateral part of cheek and
another on opposite side of face below the
angle of jaw
c)One electrode over the lateral part of forehead
and other on opposite side of face below the
angle of jaw.
Hypertrophy of tonsil causing

a) Airway obstruction
b) Difficulty in deglutition
c) Interference with speech
d)All of above
Contraindication for tonsillectomy

a)Less Hb
b)At the time of epidemic polio
c)During period of menses
d)All of above
Tonsillectomy is done in which position
a) Side lying
b) Supine position
c) Rose’s position
d) None of above
Complication of tonsillectomy

a)Facial odema
b)Surgical emphysema
c)Hypertrophy of lingual tonsil
d)All of above
To swallow air and hold it in the upper
oesophagus and then slowly eject it from the
oesophagus into the pharynx to produced
sound and this speech is called
a)Oesophageal speech
b)Tracheo- oesophageal speech
c)Both of above
d)Non of above
Rout of infection in Otitis media

a)Via Eustachian tube

b)Via external ear
c)Blood – borne
d)All of the above
Which of the following is not the feature of
facial nerve palsy

a)Patient sit with the hand over the side of face.

b)Drooping of the face
c)Closing the eye is difficult
d)Non of the above
Characteristic signs of supra nuclear type of
seventh nerve palsy is

a)Paralysis of lower part of the face opposite to

the side of the lesion,
b)Paralysis of upper part of the face opposite to
the side of the lesion,
c)Paralysis of lower part of the face samesite to
the side of the lesion,
d)Both A and B
What are the causes of facial nerve palsy

a)Bells palsy
b)Ramsay - hunt syndrome
c)Chronic supportive otitis media
d)All of the above
What is Bell’s phenomenon ?

a)On attempting to close the eye, eyeball runs

upward and inward
b)On attempting to close the eye, eyeball runs
upward and out
c)On attempting to close the eye, eyeball runs
downward and out
d)Non of the above
What are the complication of facial nerve palsy

a) Keratitis
b) Synkinesis
c) Crocodile tears
d) All of the above
Which of the following modality is not usefull
in treatment of facial palsy
a) IR
b) Electrical stimulation
c) EMG biofeed back
d) IFT
What are the symptoms of Ramsay Hunt

a)Ear pain,
b) hearing loss,
c) dizziness,
d) all of the above
What are Causes of bell’s palsy ?

a)Exposure of the ear to extreme cold

b)Infection of the ear
c)Herpes zoster
d)All of the above
Spoon / top exercise is used in treatment of

c)Submucous fibrosis
d)None of the above

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