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The merciless urcututo

Summary of my story
The story is about a country man who is dedicated to planting cassava,
corn, banana, seeing that the land no longer helped in the reproduction
of crops decides to go to the bush for days to look for animals for his
family to eat, leaving his children and his pregnant wife at home.
A few days later, the woman went out to gather branches that she found
around, and when she saw an urcututo, she began to tell him that she
would have liked it to be a human and to carry his branches.
She arrived home, prepared the food, but something unexpectedly a
strange man appeared saying that he brought her firewood and she saw
that it was already very dark, she decided to give him a place to sleep in
her house, even though one of the children was suspicious of the strange

At night, when everyone was asleep, that man showed his true intention,
he began to gouge out the eyes of the children and the mother, he even
tore her womb and gouged out the eyes of the baby that was in her womb.
The only one who was saved from the evil one was the eldest
son who was suspicious of that man, when he saw all this, he
ran to the mountain and waited for the morning.
Arrived in the morning, he looked for his father and told him
everything, without first telling him that the being also
became his mother. When he arrived home, the man made a
trap and managed to kill the being, after that, father and son
disappeared from the place where they lived.

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