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Types of Student Jobs

 Part-Time Jobs
 Freelancing
 Work-Study Programs
 Internships
 On-Campus Jobs
 Campus Ambassador
 Tutoring
 Delivery/Rideshare Services
 Teacher Assistant
 Research Assistant
Part-Time Jobs: Students can find part-time
work off-campus in industries like retail, food
service, customer service and many more.
Part-time jobs can be a great way for students
to earn money while they are in university but
choosing a job that does not interfere with
their academic studies is important.

Freelancing: Freelancing is a great way for

students to earn money and gain
experience. They can choose to work on
as many or as few projects as they want
and they can set their own hours. If a
student has skills in
 Writing
 Editing
 Graphic design
 Web development
 Digital marketing or other areas, they
can work as freelancers. Platforms like
 Upwork
 Fiverr connects freelancers with clients
seeking various services.
Jobs in Student Life at DIU
Earn While You Learn
 Office of the International Affairs
 Office of the Student Affairs
 Office of the Public Relations
 Career Development Centre
 HRDI(Human Resource Development

Requirements :

Student interns should have both soft and hard skills.

Salary :

BDT 5,000-8,000/month
 Office of the International Affairs
 Office of the Student Affairs
 Office of the Public Relations
 Career Development Centre
 HRDI(Human Resource Development

Requirements :

Communication, teamwork, leadership, critical thinking and problem-

solving skills, Time management and adaptability.

Working Hour :

4 to 5 hours per day

Approximately 20 to 24 hours per week

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