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Animal Cells

• I can draw an
animal cell and
describe the
functions of
each part.
What is a cell?
What is a cell?
A cell is the very smallest unit of living

All living things, including plants and

animals, are made up of cells.
What is a cell?
What is a cell?
There are many different kinds of
cells, doing many different jobs in a
plant or animal.
Animal Cells
Animal and plant cells

Cell surface membrane


Cell Surface Membrane
Cell membrane
This surrounds the cell and holds the cell together.
It also controls what chemicals can enter and leave
the cell.
Cell membrane
The nucleus controls the cell. Inside the nucleus is
DNA which contains genetic information.
Cell membrane
Cytoplasm is a jelly-like mixture of chemicals
where most of the work of the cell takes place
your Learning!
Complete the worksheet on animal cells. Name
all the parts and state what their function is in
a cell.
Rules for microscope drawing

• Use a sharp pencil Human Cheek Cell

• Don’t colour/shade in any
parts of the drawing
• Give your drawing a heading
• Draw the specimen in a
rectangle not a circle
• Calculate the total
magnification and write it on
your drawing Magnification x 400
Cells under the microscope

Human Cheek Cells

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