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Describe adequately research design
(either quantitative or qualitative), data
gathering instrument, data gathering
Instrument, Sample, Data Collection
and analysis procedures, prepares data
gathering instrument.
1.Research design
3.Sampling Method
4.Data collection procedure
Creating a good research design will support the
overall conduct of the research. A good research design
not only sends the message that the study is feasible
within the scope and limitations that have been set but
also shows that the findings can address the research
statement and objectives of the study.
Since the research design sets the framework for
how the study will be executed, this chapter should
provide information on the types of data to be
collected, participants of the study, methods and
techniques of data collection, specific procedures in

1. Review your finalized research statement and
objectives .
2. For quantitative research, identify the independent
and dependent variables . For qualitative research,
identify the main concepts or themes .
3. Decide which research design to use: quantitative
or qualitative method .
4. Explain the appropriateness of the chosen
research design and main variables/concepts in
answering the research questions and attaining the
research objectives.


1. Based on the previous activity, identify and
finalize the appropriate research design for your
2. Based on your research topic, identify your
target population.
3. Provide a narrative description of this
population using three to five sentences.
4. Provide a numerical description of the population
by providing the size.
a. Based on the size of the population, assess whether
your research needs a
smaller sample. If yes, provide a description on your
intended sample.
b. If the population does not require a smaller
sample size, explain your answer in two to three


Simple Random Sampling
1. Write the number assignments of the students on strips of paper.
2. Put the strips of paper in a fishbowl and pick 10 strips of paper.
3. Take note of the number assignments of the 10 students and
check their names from the general spreadsheet.
4. Write the list of 10 names, their number assignments, and other
data on a separate sheet.
5. Label the list of names as “Simple Random Sampling” and write
a brief explanation of the method based on your understanding and
how it was applied to the exercise.
Systematic Random Sampling
1. Pick one strip of paper from the bowl.
2. Take note of the number assignment of the student (e.g., number 5 out of
3. Count intervals of 10 starting from the chosen student (e.g., from
number 5 to number 15).
4. Continue counting in intervals of 10 until you obtain 10 strips of paper.
5. Take note of the number assignments and the names of the 10 students.
6. Write the list of 10 names, their number assignments, and other
corresponding data on a separate sheet.
7. Label the list of names as “Systematic Random Sampling” and write a
brief explanation of the method based on your understanding and how it
was applied to the exercise.
Stratified Random Sampling
1. Count the number of male and female students from the general
2. Using their number assignments, separate the strips of paper of the
male and female students. Put these strips of paper in two separate
fishbowls (one for males, one for females).
3. Pick a total of 10 strips of paper from both bowls using 10% of the
number of male and female students. For example, if there are 60
names in the “female” bowl and 40 names in the “male” bowl, then
you will pick six strips of paper from the “female” bowl and four
strips of paper from the “male” bowl.
4. Take note of the number assignments and names of
the students from the “male” and “female” bowls.
5. Write the list of 10 names, their number
assignments, and other corresponding data on a
separate sheet.
6. Label the list of names as “Stratified Random
Sampling” and write a brief explanation of the
method based on your understanding and how it was
applied to the exercise.
Cluster Sampling
1. Using the list of 100 names, divide the names into 10 subgroups that are
alphabetically arranged. Group 1 will be names assigned with number 1 to
10. Group 2 will be the names from 11 to 20. Group 3 is from 21 to 30,
and so on.
2. Pick 10 random strips of paper from the fishbowl and take note of their
number assignments (e.g., number 11).
3. Take note of the group numbers of the chosen names (e.g., number 11
from Group 2).
4. Write the list of 10 names, their number assignments, group number,
and other corresponding data on a separate sheet.
5. Label the list as “Cluster Sampling” and write a brief explanation of the
method based on your understanding and how it was applied to the


Designing a Questionnaire
Design a survey questionnaire with three demographic
questions, one closed-ended scale question, and one open-
ended question for a total of five questions.
Demographic questions must ask the name, age, and sex
of the respondent. The name should always be optional in
adherence to research ethics and confidentiality. The one
closed-ended scale question must use “1” as the lowest rating
and “5” as the highest rating.
The open-ended question can solicit other answers or
comments. Prepare five copies of the questionnaire.
Data Organization
After the survey data collection, compile the data in a
spreadsheet. The spreadsheet must contain the following
information: answers for the demographic questions (i.e.,
name, sex, age), rating given for the scale question, comments
given for the open-ended question, and the duration of the


1a. Frequency and percentage of male and female
1b. Mean, median, and mode of age
1c. Frequency and percentage of each civil status category
1d. Frequency of educational attainment
1e. Frequency of occupation
1f. Mean, median, mode, and range of monthly income

Inferences based on the results

Preparation time: March 23 -30, 2023 Due date:
March 30, 2023

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