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And The Effects It Has On People.
By: Mikaela CS1
What Are Drugs?
It is a substance that affects peoples’ minds and enables them to exhibit behavior that is
different from usual, when misused.

Why do people use drugs?

• Pressured into
• Medication overuse
• As a form of escape
• Environment

Drugs we will be discussing :

• Cigarettes
• Alcohol
• Non-Medicinal Drugs:
Treating And Preventing Drug Abuse
 A cylindrical stimulant that is made of finely cut, cured tobacco leaves wrapped in thin paper

How does it affect you?

The nicotine enters your bloodstream and increases your pulse and blood pressure. It can cause
cancer, heart disease, stroke and much more.

How to stay away from smoking.

 Alternatives
 Stay away from bad influence
 Your reasons for quitting
Treating And Preventing Drug Abuse

 A chemical substance found in drinks such as beer, wine, and liquor

How does it affect you?

It dulls the parts of your brain that controls how your body works. This affects your ability to make
cohesive and proper decisions. It can cause high blood pressure, stroke, cancer and many more.

How to stay away from alcohol.

 Reasons and seeking help
 Rehabilitation
 Staying clear of alcohol
Treating And Preventing Drug Abuse

Non-medicinal drugs:
 Drugs used without a prescription or used for reasons other than what the intended medication is for.

How does it affect you?

Different drugs have different effects, changes in behavior, overdose, dependance on the drugs, health
issues, and more.

How to stay away from non-medicinal drugs.

 Health services and support
 Resisting temptation
 Distractions
What are diseases?
An illness or sickness characterized by specific signs or symptoms.

How do people get diseases?

Trough direct contact the bacteria, viruses, and germs can spread from one person to another.
Regardless if they have the disease or not.

Diseases we will be discussing:

• Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
• Malaria
• Tuberculosis (TB)
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
What are STDs?
STDs are diseases spread through sexual contact.

How do you get STDs?

Examples of STDs:
• Chlamydia
By engaging in sexual activities.
• Gonorrhea
• Syphilis
Symptoms of STDs: • AIDs/HIV
• Pain when urinating
• Unusual Discharge
• Itchy genitals
• Blisters and/or sore spots around your genitals

What does STD do?

• Infertility
• Cancer
• Increases the chance of getting HIV
Sexually transmitted diseases
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID):
• Infects the ovaries and fallopian tubes
• Infertility
• Sore on the lower pain or abdomen
• Excess discharge with a foul odor

STDs in males:
• Activity of sperm is decreased.
• The seminiferous tubules may be scarred.
• Blocks the path of the sperm.
• Painful Ejaculation
• Painful urination
What is Malaria?
It is a disease caused by a mosquito species called Anopheles

How do you get Malaria?

Malaria is spread by the female mosquito genus called Anopheles, and is caused by a
microorganism in the Protoctista Kingdom.

• Headaches
• Shaking chills
• Nausea

What does Malaria do?

• May cause Anemia
• May cause Jaundice
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
What is AIDS?
AIDS is an immune system disease caused by the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

How do you get AIDS?

By sexual intercourse or unsterilized drug needles

• Headaches
• Rapid Weight loss
• Profuse sweating during sleep

What does AIDS do?

• Kills Immune System cells
• Damaged Immune systems
Tuberculosis (TB)
What is tuberculosis?
A infectious bacterial disease that affects the lungs.

How do you get tuberculosis?

It is caused by a microorganism of the bacteria group, in droplets produced by coughing, sneezing or

• Fever
• Night Sweats
• Weight loss

What does tuberculosis do?

• It typically damages the lungs but can spread to the brain, kidneys, bones.
• Tuberculosis during pregnancy can cause death of the fetus
How to Prevent these diseases
STDs including AIDS:
• Abstinence
• Hygiene

• Avoid mosquitos
• Wear long-sleeved clothing

• Avoid sick people
• Air circulation

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