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Is Determination and Perseverance the key to


Shreya Manoj XII-I
Pakhi Pal XII-I
Uddhav Bagra XII-I
Manya Jain XII-I
Sukriti XII-I
Harshit Parashar XII-I

Acknowledgement Certificate Objectives Driving question

Action Plan
Introduction Determination and Difference
Significance of
determination and About Atychiphobia How to overcome Real life examples of
perseverance and its symptoms Atychiphobia people who overcame fear
of failure and with
determination and
perseverance achieved

Strategies to develop How to overcome obstacles Personal

determination and development and Questionnaire
and be resilient
perseverance growth
Analysis of survey Summary and
Reflection Sheets

We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to all who gave us the possibility to complete
this project. Also, we take this opportunity to express our deep sense of gratitude to my English
teacher, Mrs Anjali Sachdev under whose valuable guidance, this project work has been carried out.
We thank all the survey participants for taking out time and giving their opinions regarding our
subject. We would also like to extend our special thanks to all our parents and friends. Without their
support and coordination we would not have been able to complete this project.

Shreya Manoj
Pakhi Pal
Uddhav Bagra
Harshit Prashar
Manya Jain
This is to certify that the project titled “ Where there is a will there is
a way- Is Determination and Perseverance the key to success?” is a
bona fide work ,successfully completed by Shreya Manoj, Pakhi Pal,
Uddhav Bagra, Manya Jain, Sukriti and Harshit of XII-I of DAV
PUBLIC SCHOOL, SECTOR-14, GURGAON under the guidance of
Mrs Anjali Sachdeva, for the academic year (2023-2024). The
certified students have been dedicated throughout their research and
have completed their work before the given deadline without missing
any important details from the project .
Teacher Guide-
Mrs. Anjali Sachdeva
The objective of our project is to-

1. To know the importance of Determination and Perseverance and how important they are in
achieving success and overcoming challenges.

2. How to cultivate these qualities in yourself and work hard to achieve what you want.

3. To know the strategies to develop Determination and Perseverance .

4. To know that success is the product of daily habits , not once in a life transformations.

5. To know about Atychiphobia and how to overcome fear of failure.

6. To remain motivated and not give up even during tough situations.

Driving question - Is Determination and Perseverance
the key to success ? And do these qualities contribute
to personal development, growth and success?
To inspire individuals to understand the importance of Determination and Perseverance and provide them with strategies to
develop these qualities in them. The project aims to empower individuals to overcome obstacles and fear of failure and stay
focused and achieve their goals with unwavering determination and perseverance.

To know the significance of Determination and Perseverance in achieving success and overcoming challenges and obstacles.
To research about people who attained success by overcoming their fear and by challenging all the obstacles that came their
Shreya- Planned the layout of the project, research work, Survey report and analysis , examining the journey and success of people
who overcame fear and attained success, research on how to overcome fear of failure, overall editing of the project.
Manya- Finding out the actual meaning and difference between determination and perseverance . Research on how to overcome
obstacles and be resilient.
Harshit- Research on how determination and perseverance ( qualities) contribute to personal development , growth and success.
Sukriti- Real life examples of people and examining their journey and success , strategies to instill determination and perseverance
in a person
Pakhi- Research on significance of determination and perseverance , real life examples of people and examining their journey and
success, survey report and analysis.
Uddhav-Research on fear of failure ( ATYCHIPHOBIA) and how to overcome the fear and be determined.

In the journey of life , there are numerous obstacles , challenges and setbacks that we will have to encounter
all along the way. What sets apart those who succeed from those who falter is the extraordinary strength of
determination and perseverance . These two qualities , intertwined like threads of resilience have the power to
propel individuals towards their goals and aspirations, even in the face of adversity. This project focuses on
delving into the depths of these remarkable attributes and explore their profound impact on personal growth ,
achievements and overall well-being. This project aims to shed light on the strategies and mindsets that foster
resilience and enhance the likelihood of success.The project also explores the role of resilience , goal setting
and motivation in bolstering determination and perseverance. By understanding how individuals bounce back
from setbacks , set meaningful goals, and tap into their inner drive, we can uncover practical strategies and
techniques to cultivate and strengthen these qualities within ourselves. This project also studies about fear of
failure- Atychiphobia and how it impacts individuals in various aspects of their lives. And this project
provides way to overcome the fear and work hard and be fearless by understanding the underlying causes and
consequences of the fear of failure. In a nutshell, by synthesizing research findings, real life examples and
practical insights , this project will equip people with the knowledge and tools necessary to cultivate
unwavering determination and unyielding perseverance in their own lives.
Definition of Determination and Perseverance
Determination can be a decision, or the focus you need to get something done. The sense of determination, as
making up your mind about something, finds its roots in an Old French word meaning “decision”.Determination can be
defined as a firmness or a strong sense of purpose to achieve a specific objective. It involves having a clear goal in
mind and being dyed in the wool to taking the obligatory actions and making the necessary efforts to bring about that
goal,nevertheless of the obstacles or complications that may arise along the way. Determined individuals display
untiring keenness, focus, and spirit often refusing to give up or hold over ny setbacks.It involves willingness to put in
consistent effort and make sacrifices to attain the desired outcome. Determination is characterized by a focused
mindset, resilience, and a refusal to give up or be discouraged by difficulties or failures..For example, an athlete might
show determination when completing a marathon by continuing to run despite the weather or the difficulty of the

Perseverance , in contrast , refers to the unwavering diligence and uninterrupted effort put forth by individuals
to overcome obstacles, undergo hardships or achieve success. It is the effort required to do something and
keep doing it till the end, even if it's hard. It is the ability to maintain one's efforts and continue to work hard
even when progress maybe slow or uncertain. Perseverance requires retaining a positive mindset, displaying
resilience, and demonstrating the willingness to learn from failures and setbacks, using them as opportunities
for progress and upgrading.Perseverance originally comes from the Latin perseverantia and means to abide by
something strictly. This makes sense, because if you're doing something in spite of all the difficulty, you're being strict
on yourself.For example a person is looking for a job and he can be called Perseverant if he does not quit looking for
the job even after getting rejected in many interviews.

Perseverance Determination
Perseverance involves sticking with a task Determination is driven by an urge to
despite complications. succeed.

It looks beyond the present to future challenges. It is focused on the present.

Perseverance is long-term oriented. Determination is short-term oriented.

Perseverance often leads to improved decision Determination often leads to reckless

making. behavior.

Determination is an important skill because it helps you stay focused on your goals, even when things get tough. When you are
determined you can make better decisions and work towards your goals with more enthusiasm. You need to know why you want
your goal and what makes it special and unique.Without determination goals may remain mere aspirations , as obstacles and
distractions can easily derail progress. With determination individuals are more likely to persevere through challenges, maintain a
strong sense of purpose , and ultimately accomplish their objectives. Determination also contributes to building self confidence
and it is closely tied to personal growth and development. Determination is an internal driving force that helps individuals stay
motivated and disciplined. It comes from within and allows individuals to maintain focus and stay committed to their pursuits.
● Perseverance is an important skill because it helps in decreasing stress and anxiety and also helps in increasing the meaning in life
and emotional well being.Success in life doesn't come easily and there are many failures and hurdles that one has to clear before
they achieve the goal. So perseverance is an essential key that separates success from disappointment . The power of perseverance
shows the willingness to keep moving forward despite the obstacles that stand in the way. Perseverance encourages flexibility and
adaptability. Perseverance is also linked to better mental health. It has been studies that people who displayed more perseverance
were at a lower risk of depression and anxiety. So with perseverance a person could improve their mental health and general
outlook on life.
What is fear of failure
Atychiphobia, also known as the fear of failure, is an anxiety disorder characterized by
an intense and persistent fear of not meeting expectations, failing to achieve goals, or
making mistakes. People with atychiphobia often experience extreme apprehension and
distress when faced with situations that involve the possibility of failure or negative

Individuals with atychiphobia may have an overwhelming fear of judgment or criticism

from others, leading them to avoid taking risks or pursuing challenging opportunities.
They may feel paralyzed by the fear of making mistakes, which can severely limit their
personal and professional growth.
Symptoms of Atychiphobia

Symptoms of atychiphobia can vary from person to person but may include:

1. Persistent anxiety or nervousness before and during activities that could result in
2. Avoidance of situations where failure is possible, even if those situations are
important or beneficial.
3. Extreme self-criticism and a negative self-image.
4. Perfectionism and setting unrealistic standards for oneself.
5. Procrastination and difficulty in starting or completing tasks.
6. Physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, or shortness of breath
in anticipation of failure.
Atychiphobia, or the fear of failure, can be a challenging obstacle to overcome. However, with time, effort, and the
right mindset, it is possible to manage and overcome this fear. Here are some strategies that can help:

1.Recognize and understand the fear: Start by acknowledging and accepting your fear of failure. Understand that it
is a common fear experienced by many individuals and that it does not define your worth or potential. By recognizing
the fear, you can begin to work on overcoming it.

2.Reframe failure as a learning opportunity: Instead of viewing failure as a negative outcome, reframe it as an
opportunity for growth and learning. Understand that failures are stepping stones towards success and that they
provide valuable lessons and insights. Embrace a growth mindset, believing that abilities can be developed through
effort and experience.

3.Set realistic goals: Unrealistically high goals can intensify the fear of failure. Set goals that are challenging yet
attainable, allowing for incremental progress. Break larger goals into smaller, manageable steps, celebrating
achievements along the way
4. Take small steps and face your fears: Gradually expose yourself to situations that trigger your fear of
failure. Start with smaller, low-risk tasks or challenges and gradually work your way up. By facing your fears
in a controlled and gradual manner, you can build resilience and demonstrate to yourself that failure is not as
catastrophic as you may believe.

5.Embrace a growth mindset: Cultivate a mindset that sees failures and setbacks as temporary and
changeable. Understand that skills can be developed, and setbacks are part of the learning process. Focus on
continuous improvement, effort, and the lessons learned from each experience.

6. Practice self-compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding. Be compassionate towards
yourself when faced with failures or setbacks. Avoid harsh self-criticism and negative self-talk. Remind
yourself that failure is a natural part of life and that everyone experiences it at some point. Practice self-care
and nurture your emotional well-being.

7.Seek support: Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or mentors who can provide guidance,
encouragement, and support. Surround yourself with individuals who have a positive mindset and can help
you navigate through challenges.
Fear of failure or Atychiphobia can be a significant barrier for many individuals . But many
people have successfully overcame all the failures and have achieved great success in their
respective fields.

1. JK ROWLING- JK Rowling , the renowned author of the Harry Potter series , indeed
experienced a journey filled with failures and successes. She had a passion for writing from
a young age and often created stories for her younger sister. After completing her education,
Rowling faced several challenges in her early adult life. She worked various jobs, including
as a researcher and bilingual secretary, but struggled financially as a single mother after her
marriage ended in divorce. During this period, she battled depression and contemplated
suicide but she never gave up. She has openly spoken about these difficult times in her life.
Rowling had faced numerous rejections from publishers when she first submitted her
manuscript for Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone . The book was rejected by several
publishing houses before finally being accepted by Bloomsbury in 1996. Even after securing
a publishing deal Rowling faced doubts and pressures to change her name and simplify the
story. However she persisted in her vision and fought to maintain the integrity of her work.
Harry Potter series became a phenomenal success, captivating millions
of readers worldwide and generating immense critical acclaim. The
series ,consisting of seven books , concluded with Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows in 2007. Harry Potter led to film adaptations ,
merchandise, theme parks , and a dedicated fanbase. Rowling’s intricate
storytelling, compelling characters, and imaginative world building
captured the hearts of readers across generations. Rowling has
embarked on various writing projects. She has written additional books,
such as The Casual Vacancy(2012) and the Cormoran Strike detective
series under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. Despite facing initial
rejections and personal challenges and fear of failure, JK Rowling’s
determination, perseverance and creativity led her to overcome
obstacles and achieve incredible success . Her journey serves as an
inspiration to aspiring writers and demonstrates the power of resilience
in the face of adversity.

MICHAEL JORDAN is the kind of celebrity that doesn’t need any introduction. His unparalleled
accomplishments and hard work have turned him into one of the most impactful players to ever
grace the court — he is a living legend.

For many years now, Jordan’s been enjoying an amazing reputation as the greatest basketball
player of all time, but things could’ve been totally different if the star hadn’t accepted failure as
part of his success..

He wasn’t born a champion nor had a raw talent for playing basketball. But he did have
something that separates a champion from the average player: he’s relentless and has never, ever
gave up once he set his mind to achieve something.

Whenever we fail, we get discouraged and afraid to try again. This is a common behavior for
most of us, but not for the basketball star. So here are life lessons you can learn from Michael
Jordan, lessons that will change your perspective on failure.
As previously stated, MJ is no stranger to failure. Perhaps the biggest failure that went on to define the person he is today, arrived when he was still in high school. He was cut from the varsity basketball team because he wasn’t good and tall enough. This
type of news would probably destroy any teenager’s dream of becoming a professional basketball player. Most would probably give up and try something different. Imagine if at that moment Jordan would’ve decided that basketball was simply not for him.
What did he do instead? He wiped his tears and practiced until he became good enough. He didn’t let his coach decide his future career. From a young age, he understood that failure doesn’t define a person, but the power to get up and try again.
Jordan’s former head coach at the University of North Carolina shared a story about the player’s determination to become the best. He remembered him saying “I’m going to show you, nobody will ever work as hard as I work.” And he kept his
promise.When you want something you have to understand that, in order to get it, you have to dedicate yourself completely. There will be obstacles but overcoming them is essential for your growth. If you want something badly enough, you’ll be willing
to learn and invest time and effort. Maybe you won’t get it exactly when you want it, but you will eventually.
If you’re trying to achieve, there will be
roadblocks. I’ve had them; everybody has
had them. But obstacles don’t have to stop
you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn
around and give up. Figure out how to climb
it, go through it, or work around it.


This is what the greatest inventor of America had to say about perseverance:“ Our greatest weakness

lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”And “ If we did

all the things we are capable of we would literally astound ourselves.”

Perseverance means making efforts till the goal is achieved or the task is accomplished. It is
‘never giving up’. Most of us work to achieve our goal, some give up after some time, some
stay a little longer, some just before the finishing line get exhausted, only a few stay until the
task is done. “ I didn’t fail 1000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1000 steps.”

Forget talent, genius is hard work

Thomas Edison said,

“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”.When an associate asked Edison about the

secret to his talent for invention, the plainspoken Edison replied,”Genius is hard work, stick-to-itiveness and common

sense.”As you can see Edison was a self made man. His mother gave him formal education at home. Then he studied

whatever he wanted. How hopelessly his life began! Yet with perseverance he kept on climbing the success ladder

one after another despite stormy challenges.Edison’s life is an extraordinary story of an ordinary hearing impaired

boy who made himself immortal through his inventions.You often come across people who give up their goal as soon

as they find an obstacle in their way. But without patience and persistent efforts you can achieve no goal. Edison’s

life and his achievements, to inspire you not to stop, not to surrender, not to grieve but continue to focus on your

goal. Ultimately, a day comes when success will greet you.

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein is not just known for the theory of relativity and the E=mc2 formula. He also taught us how hard labor and determination
can help you attain the impossibles in the life. Einstein is known to be a philosophical personality and ways of a belief that physics had a
deep relation to philosophy as both the subjects rely on logic and reasoning. Albert Einstein made his life sublime by pursuing the
mysteries of science and demystifying whatever he could. He was given the Nobel Prize for his contribution in theoretical physics. He also
wrote several books and articles which were not only about physics, but also about philosophy and moral values.
1. Simplicity: Simplicity is one of the greatest virtues of life. When you are learning something, bring it to the lowest level
of understanding. If you can make it understand to a 6 year old, you are really a master. Practice and follow the simplicity
to success.
2. Following curiosity: Einstein inspired us to question each and everything and look for reasons. That is the only way,
you will understand things around you. You need to be childlike while looking at things. The curiosity opens the doors of
imagination and imaginations leads to discoveries.
3. Perseverance: Einstein had once quoted,” It’s not that, I am so smart, it’s just that I stay with the problems longer”. In order to solve a problem which
is giving you a tough time, you need to stay with it. You must not succumb to the failure so easily. Show perseverance, and the success would not elude you
for long.

4. Focusing on the present: It is important that you live in the moment. “If you are kissing while driving a car, you are not paying the right amount
attention to the kiss”. Do not worry about the outcome of your actions. Just keep on going in the right direction. Success will invariably come to you.
A real-life example of Ratan Tata's determination and perseverance can be seen in his efforts to revive
the Tata Motors' Nano car project. The Nano, also known as the "people's car," was initially launched
in 2009 as an affordable vehicle for the Indian middle class. However, the project faced numerous
challenges, including production delays, technical issues, and negative publicity.

Despite these setbacks, Ratan Tata remained determined to make the Nano a success. He took personal
responsibility for the project's shortcomings and decided to reposition the car as a safe, reliable, and
stylish option for the urban market. He initiated several changes, including upgrading the Nano's
features, improving the manufacturing process, and implementing rigorous quality control measures.
Moreover, Ratan Tata displayed perseverance by refusing to give up on the
project even when it faced severe criticism and skepticism. He believed in the
potential of the Nano to transform the transportation landscape in India and
provide affordable mobility to millions of people. He continued to invest
resources, time, and effort into improving the car and addressing the
challenges faced by the project.

Ratan Tata's determination and perseverance paid off to some extent. Despite
the initial setbacks, Tata Motors sold thousands of Nanos over the years, and
the car gained recognition as an innovative engineering feat. While the Nano
did not become a mass-market success as originally envisioned, Ratan Tata's
unwavering commitment to the project demonstrated his resilience and
determination to overcome obstacles in pursuit of his goals.
Strategies to develop Determination and Perseverance
Developing determination and perseverance requires a combination of mindset, habits, and strategies. Here are some

strategies that can help cultivate these qualities:

1.Set clear goals: Define your goals and break them down into smaller, achievable steps. Having a clear vision
of what you want to achieve will provide motivation and focus.
2.Cultivate a growth mindset: Embrace the belief that abilities and skills can be developed through dedication
and hard work. See challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles.
Find your purpose and passion: Engage in activities that align with your values and ignite your passion. When
you have a strong sense of purpose, it becomes easier to stay determined and persevere through difficulties.
3.Develop resilience: Accept that setbacks and failures are a part of life. Instead of dwelling on them, learn from
your mistakes, adapt, and bounce back stronger. Cultivate a positive outlook and find silver linings even in
challenging situations.
4.Practice self-discipline: Build discipline by setting daily routines and sticking to them. This includes
managing your time effectively, prioritizing tasks, and avoiding distractions that can derail your progress.
5. Break tasks into manageable chunks: Large tasks can be overwhelming, leading to a loss of motivation. Break them down into smaller, more achievable steps. Celebrate milestones along the way to maintain
Seek support and accountability: Surround yourself with individuals who inspire and support you. Share your goals with others and find an accountability partner or a mentor who can provide guidance and keep you
6. Embrace a positive mindset: Cultivate optimism and focus on the possibilities rather than dwelling on limitations. Practice gratitude and maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of adversity.
7. Learn from successful role models: Study the lives of individuals who have demonstrated determination and perseverance. Learn from their experiences, strategies, and mindset to gain insights and inspiration.
8. Celebrate progress and small victories: Acknowledge and reward yourself for your efforts, even if they are small. Celebrating progress reinforces your motivation and helps you stay committed to your goals.
Remember that determination and perseverance are qualities that develop over time with consistent effort. It's important to be patient with yourself and keep pushing forward, even when faced with challenges .
How to overcome obstacles and be resilient
(ways and techniques)

1. Plan

While you don't know what is going to happen in the future, you can always plan. Look at
the patterns in your life and see what challenges you've struggled with. Assess the optimal
outcomes and decide for how you can achieve them.

2. Know You're Not Alone

Every person in this world has their low points. Some may handle or even hide it better than
others. But the truth is, whatever you are going through, there are others who have been
through it too. You're not alone. Try to reach out to your community and network. Speak
your feelings and express your concerns in all settings of your life.
3. Ask For Help

You're not alone, so you can find help. There's no need to feel ashamed for asking for help. Whether you choose
to rely on a loved one, a stranger, a mentor, or a friend, there are people who want to help you succeed.

4. Feel Your Feelings

By masking your feelings, they are not going to go away. Rather, feelings become trapped energy and can even
have negative health consequences when they are ignored. Take some time to feel what you feel. This could
come in the form of meditation. Or, if you'd rather write down what you feel, writing can be a therapeutic and
cathartic experience.

5. Accept Support

Asking for help is only one side of the coin. On the other side of the coin, you must be open and willing to accept
support. People who come to your aid truly do care about you. Be open to receiving help when you need it.

6. Help Others

The adage goes, "What you give is what you get." If you've been through a situation or have advice for someone
you know who is going through a tough time, be sure to help! Helping others not only benefits them, but it can
also help you feel happier yourself.
7. Think Big

It can be easy to let yourself think small because of the fear of failure, or even the fear of deciding .But, to
accomplish great things in life, you must be open to taking risks. With whatever challenges may arise, always
think and dream big. That way, you will achieve more than you could have ever imagined .Try not to let your
thoughts get in your own way.

8. Positive Mindset

What you think becomes your reality Train your mind to think positively. This will take both time and practice. It
begins with mental awareness. You can practice awareness through mindfulness techniques and meditation.
When you get good at acknowledging your thoughts and letting them pass, you can stop negative thoughts in
their tracks.

9. Don't Give Up

When a challenge arises, be it a big test in school or an upcoming running race, don't give up! Persistence is a
huge key to overcoming challenges Giving up means that you will neither overcome the challenge nor learn from
it. Power through challenges by asking for support. feeling your feelings, and planning to work through it.
Ways By Which Determination and Perseverance contribute to
personal development, growth and success .
When we persevere, we demonstrate our commitment to a goal, and we show
that we are willing to work hard to achieve it. This kind of determination is
inspiring to others, and it can motivate them to work harder and strive for their
own goals. Achieving goals requires grit, persistence and adaptability. Being resilient and
able to get back up when you are knocked down helps you stay the course and thrive in an
ever more competitive business environment.Perseverance is holding steadily to one's
specific purpose and goals, regardless of obstacles. Perseverance is confidence in the
road to success, and determination to continue on it despite repeated bumps and detours.
Some Qualities of Self Determination Are know your needs, desires, interests,
strengths, and limitations and use this information to make choices.
Here are some ways in which these qualities can positively impact your journey:

1. Goal Achievement: Determination and perseverance enable you to set clear

goals and stay committed to them.

2. Self-Confidence: When you demonstrate determination and perseverance, you

develop a sense of self-confidence.
3. Resilience: Life is full of ups and downs, and setbacks are inevitable. However, with
determination and perseverance, you develop resilience, which is the ability to bounce back from
failure or adversity. This resilience allows you to learn from your mistakes, adapt to changing
circumstances, and maintain a positive attitude despite challenges.
4. Learning and Skill Development: The journey of determination and perseverance often
involves acquiring new knowledge and developing skills. Through persistence, you develop a
growth mindset and embrace learning opportunities.
5. Building Discipline and Consistency: Determination and perseverance require discipline and
consistency. By cultivating these qualities, you develop a habit of staying focused, organized, and
committed to your pursuits.
6. Overcoming Fear and Uncertainty- Determination and perseverance helps you confront and
overcome fear and uncertainty. They push you to move forward even when you’re unsure of the
7. Inspiration to Others: Your determination and perseverance can inspire others around you.
By demonstrating the qualities of persistence and commitment, you become a role model,
encouraging others to pursue their goals and overcome challenges.

According to our survey, 84.2% i.e

majority people believe that
determination and perseverance are
the keys to success in life.

According to our survey , 52.6 % people

are able to stay motivated during tough
situations, whereas 36.8% people have
voted for sometimes and 10.5% people
have said No. Which means people still
need to be more optimistic towards
dealing with situations and must stay

The survey depicts that different people have

voted for different definitions of perseverance but
the best definition is - Continuing to work
diligently despite obstacles or setbacks ( for
which 42.1% people have voted.)

89.5% people that constitutes the majority

have said they have moderate
perseverance .

57.9% people have voted for “both”, which

shows that the determination to pursue
challenging goals are not only dependant on
personal satisfaction and passion , but also on
money and external rewards. But everyone can
be determined to pursue challenging goals
only when they have a passion and interest
that will keep them going to do things.

According to our survey, 73.7 %

people are slightly afraid of failures,
and 15.8% who are not afraid at all and
the least 10.5% who are extremely

Our survey depicts that, majority

( 47.4%)people get motivated to
work hard and prove themselves
after a failure.

According to our survey, 73.7% people have

learned from their failure and have adjusted their
approach towards difficult situations and worked
harder to achieve bigger in future. 15.8% people
got demotivated and lost confidence but the
replies shows that no one ever gave up , which is
a big deal.

Our survey depicts that, 47.4 % people

opt for breaking the project into smaller
tasks to reduce anxiety and 31.6%
people opt to seek support and
encouragement from others.

47.4% people have said that they seek advice or guidance

from elders to overcome setbacks and obstacles in a
project which is a great option because our mentors and
elders can guide us to the right path and give us
beneficial advices. 26.3 % people have opted to persist
through challenges with determination, which shows they
have great determination quality in them.

More than half of the people have stated that

maybe fear of failure can hinder personal
growth and success. But everyone can
definitely strive harder to not let fear of failure
to be a hurdle in their life to pursue more in

52.6% people have opted to break the project

to manageable tasks to cultivate a mindset
of perseverance when facing difficulties, and
36.8% have said that they remind themselves
of their past success and abilities which is a
great way to gain self confidence and move
We asked multiple questions in our survey and from the replies it is evident that
many people believe that determination and perseverance are the keys to success
in life. Luck factor is also important but majorly we can successfully achieve our
goals only when we will work hard with complete determination and
perseverance and not give up even during tough situations. Majority of the people
have moderate perseverance which shows we all show try more to inculcate these
qualities in ourselves. We should not fear failure instead should compete against it
and show ourselves by defeating all the obstacles that comes our way. We should
seek support from our elders and mentors whenever there is need without any
The whole project is about determination and perseverance and to know whether it plays an
important role in our success or not. We got to know about the significance of both these
qualities in our life and major differences between the two. We also researched about how
one can instill both these qualities in them and how to tackle obstacles and be resilient to be
successful and to achieve their goals. We also researched about fear of failure i.e
Atychiphobia and found ways to overcome the same. We studied the life journey of various
successful people and how they shaped themselves into what they are today by facing their
fears and not giving up even during difficult times. We got to know about the ways by which
determination and perseverance contribute to personal development, growth and success. We
also conducted a research on the topic to know the views of the people around us , to
basically know how much importance they give in cultivating these qualities in them.

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