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WEEK 13: AcHieVinG

GoALs: HoW To TAKe

DoWn NoTes

AssessmenT (ViDeo-cLip PresenTATion)

The instructor/professor will play the video entitled Grit:
The power of passion and perseverance by Angela Lee

Directions: Based on the video, answer the following questions on a ½ sheet of
paper and apply the importance of note taking. (5 points each)

1. What does your grit score mean?

Grit score is a reflection of your perseverance and passion towards your long-term goals. It provides valuable insights
into your ability to persist and maintain effort over time, and serves as a predictor of your potential for success.
Understanding your grit score can help you identify areas for personal growth and development, and guide your
efforts towards achieving your aspirations. Ultimately, your grit score is a measure of your resilience and
determination, and can be a powerful tool for unlocking your full potential.

2. Is perseverance a trait? Why?

Perseverance is indeed a trait, and it is one of the most important traits a person can possess. It is the ability to
continue forward despite obstacles, setbacks, and difficulties. Perseverance is the fuel that drives individuals to
achieve their goals and dreams. It is the determination to keep going when others would have given up. One of the
reasons why perseverance is so important is that success is often not linear. There are many ups and downs along the
way, and it is the ability to persevere through the tough times that ultimately leads to success. Without
perseverance, individuals would be quick to give up at the first sign of difficulty, and they would never be able to
achieve their full potential.
3. What is grit and perseverance?
Grit and perseverance are two essential qualities that are necessary for achieving success and overcoming obstacles in life.
These traits are often the difference between those who give up in the face of adversity and those who continue to push forward
and ultimately reach their goals. Grit can be defined as the determination and resilience to pursue long-term goals despite
encountering obstacles, setbacks, and failures. It is the ability to stay committed and focused on a goal, even when it seems
unattainable. Perseverance, on the other hand, is the steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving
success. It is the willingness to keep going, even when faced with challenges and setbacks. One of the key aspects of grit and
perseverance is the ability to bounce back from failure. Overcoming obstacles and setbacks is crucial for personal growth and
development. Those who possess grit and perseverance understand that failure is not a final outcome, but rather an opportunity
to learn and grow. They embrace failure as a necessary part of the journey towards success and use it as a stepping stone to
propel themselves forward.

4. How do you train grit?

First and foremost, setting challenging but achievable goals is an important step in training grit. Grit is all about working
towards long-term objectives despite the setbacks and obstacles that may come in the way. By setting ambitious goals,
individuals are encouraged to push beyond their comfort zones and develop the resilience and determination needed to tackle
substantial challenges. Another effective strategy in training grit is to cultivate a supportive and encouraging environment.
Surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who value hard work, perseverance, and grit can significantly impact one's
own behavior and mindset. By fostering a supportive community that promotes the value of grit, individuals are more likely to
adopt these qualities and stay motivated to work towards their long-term goals. Finally, practicing self-discipline and
developing a routine that fosters consistency and perseverance is key in training grit. Grit is not just about passion and
perseverance in the face of adversity, but also about the ability to stay focused and disciplined in the pursuit of long-term
goals. By developing a routine that prioritizes the tasks and activities that lead to progress, individuals can build the self-
discipline and consistency needed to cultivate grit.

JournAL WriTinG
Is taking down notes important to you as a student? How can note
taking improve your academic performance? Cite examples showing its
Note-taking is a vital skill for students and can significantly impact academic performance. As a student, taking down
notes is incredibly important to me as it helps me to effectively process and retain information, improve
understanding, and ultimately perform better in my studies. Overall, note-taking plays a crucial role in improving
academic performance by promoting active engagement, comprehension, retention, and providing a personalized
study resource. It is an essential skill that can significantly enhance a student's learning experience and success in
their academic endeavors.

In conclusion, note-taking is undeniably important to me as a student. It has been instrumental in improving my

academic performance by helping me to actively engage with the material, retain information, review for exams, and
personalize my study resources. Therefore, I strongly believe that note-taking is a valuable skill that all students
should develop and cultivate to succeed in their academic pursuits.

Aleman, C. (2014). The biggest benefits of effective note-taking. Retrieved
biggest-benefits-of-effective-note- taking
Menoy, J. Z. (2010). Study and thinking skills (pp. 29-30). Mandaluyong
City: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.
Strauss, D. (2018). Does writing by hand still matter in digital age.
Retrieved from:
network/2018/mar/07/does-being-able-to-write-by-hand-still- matter-
in- 2018

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