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(ECE 281)

Submitted By :
 Piyush Singh(12208976)
 Yuvraj Gond(12208753)
 Ashish Singh(12209185)

Waste management is becoming complex and difficult
day-by- day so for a short solution to this problem we have
implemented the smart dustbin.
• This project relies on sensor-based circuitry that operates
automatically. The smart dustbin opens automatically
when it detects an object in close proximity to its sensor.
• Ordinary dustbins often require regular human
interaction, making it a tedious task for users to frequently
check the garbage levels. In this system, we've
incorporated an ultrasonic sensor that triggers a buzzer
alarm when the dustbin is full, providing a convenient
solution for users

Problem Identification for Smart Dustbin:-

•Overflowing Trash Bins: In many urban areas, traditional trash bins often overflow due to irregular collection
schedules or a lack of real-time monitoring. This leads to unsightly and unhygienic conditions.
•Inefficient Waste Collection: Municipal waste collection systems may follow fixed schedules, regardless of
actual waste levels. This inefficiency can result in unnecessary fuel consumption and pollution.
•Environmental Concerns: Overfilled trash bins can lead to littering, attracting pests and wildlife, and
contributing to environmental pollution.
•Health Risks: Unattended waste can create health hazards as it may harbor disease vectors and emit unpleasant
odors, impacting the well-being of residents.
•Limited Data and Monitoring: Conventional bins lack data collection and monitoring capabilities, making it
challenging for authorities to optimize waste collection.
•Ineffective Resource Allocation: Without real-time data, city authorities may allocate resources inefficiently,
leading to higher costs for waste management.
A smart dustbin addresses these issues by providing real-time monitoring and data-driven waste management,
leading to a cleaner, more efficient, and environmentally responsible urban environment.
Objective of the Smart Dustbin Project:- 5

The primary objective of the smart dustbin project is to design and implement an innovative waste
management system that addresses the following goals:
1.Efficient Waste Collection: Develop a system that can monitor the fill-level of dustbins in real-
time, allowing for on-demand waste collection, reducing unnecessary trips, and optimizing resource
2.Reduction in Overflow: Minimize instances of overflowing trash bins in public areas, thereby
preventing littering, pest infestation, and environmental pollution.
3.Enhanced Hygiene: Improve public health and hygiene by ensuring timely waste disposal and
minimizing the risk of disease transmission from waste materials.
4.Environmental Responsibility: Promote environmental sustainability by reducing fuel
consumption and emissions associated with inefficient waste collection practices.
5.Data-Driven Insights: Gather and analyze data on waste generation patterns to make informed
decisions for urban planning and resource allocation.
6.User-Friendly Operation: Design the system with user-friendly interfaces and accessibility,
making it simple for both waste management authorities and the general public to interact with the
7.Cost Efficiency: Optimize the use of resources, which can lead to cost savings in waste collection
and management.
By achieving these objectives, the smart dustbin project aims to contribute to cleaner, healthier, and
more sustainable urban environments while leveraging technology for efficient waste management
Literature Review – Smart Dustbin
Smart dustbins, or intelligent waste management systems, are revolutionizing garbage collection
and urban cleanliness.
Literature reviews highlight the pivotal role of IoT technology, sensors, and data analytics in
advancing waste management.
IoT-based garbage monitoring systems and RFID-equipped waste-collecting robots exemplify the
use of real-time data and technology for efficient public space cleanliness.
These innovations are key to creating greener, smarter cities with optimized waste collection and
environmental sustainability at the forefront.
Smart dustbins are at the forefront of transforming urban waste management practices.

1.)Arduino Uno
2.)Ultrasonic Range Finder Sensor – HC – SR04*2
3.)Servo Motor (Tower Pro SG90)
5.)Small Breadboard
6.)Power Supply
7.)Jumper Wire
8.) MC Programming Language: Embedded C
9.)Arduino IDE

Arduino Uno:
• The Arduino Uno is an open-source
microcontroller board featuring a
versatile ATmega328P microcontroller,
digital and analog input/output pins,
USB connectivity, and a supportive
programming environment.
• It is widely used for prototyping and
creating various electronic projects,
offering ease of use and a strong
community of users
• Arduino Uno has 14 digital I/O pins
out of which 6 pins are used in this

HC – SR04
• It is an Ultrasonic Range
Finder Sensor. It is a non-
contact based distance
measurement system and
can measure distance of 2cm
to 4m.
• TrigPin1 is connected io pin 10.
• EchoPin1 is connected io pin 9.

• TrigPin2 is connected io pin 4.

• EchoPin2 is connected io pin 3.

• A buzzer or beeper is an audio
signaling device, which may
be mechanical, electromechanical,
or piezoelectric (piezo for short).
• Typical uses of buzzers and beepers
include alarm devices , timers , train
and confirmation of user input such
as a mouse click or keystroke.
• On our project we have connected it
with second ultra sonic sensor.

• The Tower Pro SG90 is
a simple Servo Motor
which can rotate 90
degrees in each
(approximately 180
degrees in total.

• A rechargeable battery, storage
battery, or secondary cell
(formally a type of energy
accumulator), is a type of
electrical battery which can be
charged, discharged into a load,
and recharged many times, as
opposed to a disposable or
primary battery, which is
supplied fully charged and
discarded after use.

A jumper is a tiny metal connector
that is used to close or open part of an
electrical circuit. It may be used as an
alternative to a dual in-line package
(DIP) switch. A jumper has two or
more connecting points, which
regulate an electrical circuit board.






Advantages of Smart Dustbins:
1.Efficient Waste Management: Smart dustbins optimize waste collection by monitoring fill levels in real-time, reducing
operational costs, and minimizing environmental impact.
2.Timely Alerts: They send notifications to waste collection teams when bins are nearing capacity, ensuring timely pickups
and preventing overflowing trash.
3.Data-Driven Decision-Making: Smart dustbins provide valuable data on waste generation patterns, helping municipalities
make informed decisions about resource allocation and urban planning.
Disadvantages of Smart Dustbins:
4.Initial Investment: The installation and setup of smart dustbin systems can be expensive, which may pose a financial
barrier for some municipalities or organizations.
5.Maintenance Requirements: Smart dustbins require regular maintenance to ensure sensors and communication systems
function correctly, adding ongoing operational costs.
6.Privacy Concerns: Collecting data on public waste habits and monitoring public spaces may raise privacy concerns,
requiring careful management of data and transparency.

#include <Servo.h>

#define trigPin1 10
#define echoPin1 9
#define trigPin2 4
#define echoPin2 3
#define buzzerPin 2
#define servoPin 11

Servo servo;

void setup() {
pinMode(trigPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin1, INPUT);
pinMode(trigPin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin2, INPUT);
pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
{ long duration1, distance1, duration2, distance2;

// Measure distance for the first ultrasonic sensor

digitalWrite(trigPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin1, LOW);
duration1 = pulseIn(echoPin1, HIGH);
distance1 = duration1 * 0.0343 / 2; // Adjusted speed of sound value

// Measure distance for the second ultrasonic sensor

digitalWrite(trigPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin2, LOW);
duration2 = pulseIn(echoPin2, HIGH);
distance2 = duration2 * 0.0343 / 2; // Adjusted speed of sound value

if (distance1 < 10) {

servo.write(90); // Open the lid
delay(2000); // Keep the lid open for 2 seconds
servo.write(0); // Close the lid
if (distance2 < 10) {
tone(buzzerPin, 1000); // Make the buzzer sound a tone with frequency 1000Hz
delay(1000); // Sound the buzzer for 1 second
noTone(buzzerPin); // Stop the buzzer

1.Widespread Adoption: Smart dustbins will become more common worldwide as
cities see the advantages of efficient waste management, leading to a standardized
approach in different areas.
2.Environmental Monitoring: Smart dustbins will take on roles as environmental
monitors, tracking air quality and pollution levels. They'll play a key role in improving
overall environmental conditions in smart cities.
3.Data-Driven Sustainability: With advanced analytics and AI, smart dustbins will
offer valuable insights into waste trends, aiding long-term sustainability efforts and
informed urban planning decisions.

After setting up the Smart Dustbin with all the required devices, including ultrasonic sensors and
Arduino, it's vital to ensure that all connections are secure. Once the setup is complete, the next
step involves uploading the code to the Arduino and powering up the system. The Arduino
continually monitors for objects within the sensor's range. When the ultrasonic sensor detects an
object, it calculates the distance. If the object is within a predefined range, the servo motor
activates, opening the lid for a specific duration before automatically closing it. Additionally,
another ultrasonic sensor checks if the dustbin is full, activating a buzzer to alert users when it's
time for emptying. This smart approach to waste management, combining monitoring and
compaction technologies, represents a significant improvement over traditional garbage bins. The
automated lid operation enhances efficiency, ensuring timely waste collection and contributing to
a cleaner and healthier environment.

1) Design a Smart Waste Bin for Smart Waste Management, 2017 5th International Conference on Instrumentation,
Control, and Automation (ICA) Yogyakarta, Indonesia, August 9-11, 2017 By Aksan Surya Wijaya, Zahir Zainuddin.
2) IOT Based Smart Garbage alert system using Arduino UNO, By Dr.N.Sathish Kumar, B.Vijayalakshmi, R. Jenifer
Prarthana, A .Shankar 2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) — Proceedings of the International Conference.
3) International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering ISO 3297:2007
Certified Vol. 7, Issue 4, April 2018 Copyright to IJARCCE DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2018.7434 177 GSM based
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4) Navghane S S, Killedar M S and Rohokale D V 2016 IoT Based Smart Garbage and Waste Collection Bin
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE) 5 1576-78
5) IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 5, Issue 01, 2017 | ISSN (online): 2321-
0613 IoT Based Garbage Monitoring System. Puspendra Singh, Ram Bilas Nagar, Ranjeet Kumar Raman, Rishikesh
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6) Wastage monitoring system using IOT International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 119 No. 15
2018, 2705-2712, SWARNA M , K J ANOOP , K KANCHANA ,Chennai, India.

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