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Candy Advertisement

Addison Mallett
Print Ad
-What candy did you choose? I choose Reese's Peanut Butter
Cups. This is my favorite candy to have around Halloween. I
thought I could have fun with the colors and images in this ad.
-What did you include in your ad that you feel will encourage
the customer to buy the candy? In my ad I included the classic
picture of the cup with a bit taken out of it in order to entice my
customer with the memory of that first-taste feeling. I included
bright and vibrant colors to capture the attention of my
Digital Ad
-What candy did you choose? I choose Laduree Macaroons.
Macaroon are my ultimate favorite dessert/candy. It was such a
treat to try these in Paris and they tasted really delicious.

-What did you include in your ad that you feel will encourage
the customer to buy the candy? In my ad I included a video of
their macaroons and zoomed in so the viewer can see all the
detail of this tasty treat. I used animations in the text to entice
the viewer and get their attention. I also included a link to more
deals they offer.

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