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Jose Rizal:

Proactive or
Analyzing Rizal's Approach
in Philippine History
What is Proactive and Reactive?

PROACTIVE: Taking initiative,

planning ahead, and creating

REACTIVE: Responding to events as

they occur.
Example of Rizal’s
Rizal's writing of "Noli Me Tangere"
and "El Filibusterismo" served as
powerful tools to raise social
awareness, awakening Filipino
consciousness and fueling the desire
for positive change and independence.
Example of Rizal’s
In the face of an unjust trial and death
sentence, Rizal didn't give up but
bravely confronted the situation,
inspiring others with his love for the
Philippines and his sacrifice, ultimately
becoming a symbol of hope and
courage in Philippine history.
Why Rizal is Considered
Jose Rizal is considered proactive because
he actively worked to address social
injustices, promote education, and inspire
reforms in the Philippines through his
writings and peaceful advocacy.

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