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Syafira Tri Ananda

What is “ Scanning”

Scanning is a comprehensive technique that relies on the ability to skim quickly the
entire reading material. This technique applies speed reading to get information
without reading anything else.

Langkah-langkah membaca Scanning:

1. lihatlah daftar isi dan kata pengantar secara sekilas
2. telaah secara singkat latar belakang penulisan buku
3. baca bagian pendahuluan secar singkat
4. cari dalam daftar isi bab-bab yang penting.
5. baca bagian kesimpulan (jika ada)
6. lihat secara sekilas daftar pustaka, daftar indeks, atau apendiks.
Scanning vs Skimming?
What the purpose of
We can use scanning reading techniques to look
up meaning in dictionaries, read directions for
drug use, read train and airplane travel
schedules and find out addresses, someone's
names, or other specific facts.
Example of
scanning in daily
Examples of the use of scanning in
everyday life, for example:
Look up a word in the dictionary
Look up a phone number in a
telephone directory
Looking for flight schedules
So girls, who can make a
conclusions of scanning?

Go go girls

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